it seemed Elliot and the Harpy...humhum was his name, were coming to sit at the table. Orion shared a quick glance with Kiba and took yet another sip of his glass. social skills werent really Orions Best skills, nor were they Kiba's if he recalled correctly. Orion could manage a conversation but they tended to be short and to the point. Those worked better for him usually. no long heart to hearts, those... were wholly unnecessary. But since it was the day when everyone was supposed to be mingling he couldnt really be upset. He was uncomfortable but not upset. Better familiar faces sit with them than complete strangers asking a billion and seven questions. Clearly the thought too soon. yet another addition to the table, a new face. a pretty face but still a new face. Orion would not be the one to deny her a seat, and shockingly enough Kiba agreed to her joining them. Maybe he wasnt so anti social....naa. Who ever this new female was she made this a table of 5. If Kiba wasnt getting uncomfortable Orion sure was. He glanced at Kiba again, who seemed to be focusing real hard on his beverage. It was kind of funny how similar Kiba was to Orion, who once again, sipped his beverage.