[center][b]Lilly[/b][/center] "Ren! I'm not a baby." Lilly said in a sarcastic tone grabbing her stuff. She began to walk at a brisk pace, then sped up to a run. Ren said it might be urgent. "Sorry for the weird speed." Lilly said with a smile turning to Ren before turning the corner and seeing Cassandra. She was breathing heavily while sheathing her sword. Lorenzo was in front of her speaking smoothly and calm. Lilly looked at Ren, "Uh, what happened?" She said confused at the situation. [center][b]Kiddo[/b][/center] Kiddo's dreams were filled with memories of his dad, nice kind memories. He had a smile on his face as he slept. But then he began to hear his thoughts again. [i]I already miss him... But, that scream it doesn't sound like a my dad. Wait a scream![/i] Kiddo jolted up. He jumped up and wiped the tears from his eyes. He ran down to his room, quickly unlocked it and grabbed his sword. [i]I need to get there! Now![/i] Kiddo thought sprinting down the hall way of the dorm building into the main building and to the sound of scream. He hand was on the grip of his sword. He was ready to pull it out of it's midnight black sheath. But then he rounded the corner to the library to see Lorenzo begin Calming Cassandra. Something had happened. Kiddo didn't know what. He stayed back, listening. He didn't want to be seen by his friends. After a little bit Ren and Lilly came around the corner. Kiddo sighed,[i] I good nobody is dead. Cassandra looks a bit shaken. I wounder what happened?[/i] Kiddo decided the best thing to do was walk around the corner and see what was going on. Then he noticed somebody else. He didn't know who. He also saw Hax, he frowned. He didn't have time somebody like Hax. Especially not now. So, he walked right past everybody up to Lorenzo. "What happened?" He said in motioned voice.