A gentle hum was heard from Charlotte as she walked through the halls of the Garden. Normally, she would have been early. Today, however, she had actually overslept. For most people it meant waking up on time, but the girl was always early to rise. She had a nightmare of sorts and for whatever reason, completely missed her alarm. By the time she had gotten ready and left her room, most everyone else had been up and about. And so instead of her usual peaceful walks in the morning, she found herself shoving through people just to get to where she was going. It was annoying more than anything, and she doubted she would be able to have one last review from her books by the time she would get to the classroom. Eventually, the gods were merciful, for as she hopped onto the elevator, she finally had a chance to both breathe and relax as she was alone. Her solitude was more comforting than anything, though it disappeared as the doors opened and revealed a hall full of people. At least now she didn't have to push past anyone. The classroom was not to far, and she reached it with little trouble. The bell had not rang yet--truly fate had been merciful. Had she been late, she would never live it down. Mind you no one would really care (maybe the teacher) but she made it a point to always be punctual, so that it itself was just her own way of stressing herself out. As she entered the classroom, she wasn't surprised to see a bunch of students already there. As the teacher was occupied with another student, she didn't bother for a greeting, instead taking a seat at her desk. She let out a huff of air, blowing her bangs out of her eyes as she sat there, slightly irritated. No last minute reviews, she was sure they'd start soon. Sure she had studied day and night since the day she started here, but it was always better to be safe then sorry. Charlotte leaned back in her seat and stared at the ceiling. She wasn't liking how today started at all.