(Also, here's the Interest Check page:[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/55182/posts/ooc]) You have been selected to attend one of the most prestigious magical schools in the world, the Crescent Academy. Founded thousands of years ago on the shores of Lake Crescent, the college has gained a reputation as stellar as the clear night skies which the academy lies under. Your presence here alone speaks volumes about your abilities, or at least, your potential. Success is by no means guaranteed, but the archmages saw something in you, a spark of genius, if you will. Your actions and choices will determine if their trust in you was justified. Your connections and wealth mean nothing here. Rich and poor, male or female, highborn or low, forget about all of that. Do not mistake the academy for a democracy, though. It most certainly is not. Merit and skill determine one's place here, and distinctions will be drawn. You will be tested. You will be judged. You will be ranked. Some of you will be held up as models to follow, while others will be held behind. Unlike many schools, there are no grades, there are no graduation dates, there is no set course to follow. You will earn the title of mage when it is determined that you deserve it. For a few, it will be done in under a year For some, this will take a few years. For others, it may never happen at all. What is clear is that you all possess some degree of magical skill before you have set foot here. Until the day your teacher say so, you are an apprentice, and may expect to be treated as such. Your classes will be assigned according to your abilities, and your schedule is non-negotiable. The Academy recognizes that there are many kinds of mages, and that what is right for one student may not be suitable for others. Not all come to magic in the same way, generally broken down as follows: [b]Wizard[/b]: You weren't born with magic, but you seek to learn it. All beings have the potential to master magic, but it will take years of intensive study. The upside is that you will know precisely what your spells are and how they work; you will not cast spells and say that it comes naturally. No, you will have earned every fireball you throw, every creature you conjure, every enchantment you make. For you, magic is a science, a mathematical equation, a finely-honed tool. [b]Sorcerer[/b]: Magic has been in your blood since the day you were conceived. It may even run in your family. Spell casting for you comes naturally, a sort of natural talent. It may be a gift or a curse, depending on what you make of it. The emphasis here is on controlling what you already have and developing a deeper and fuller intuitive understanding of your abilities. For you, magic is an art. [b]Warlock[/b]: Some things are better left unknown to us at the Academy. If you are a warlock, then you have made a deal with a powerful entity in exchange for power. As long as it doesn't threaten anyone's safety, we will not pry into the origins of your powers. The exact nature of your powers will vary greatly, depending on what deal is made. Your teachers will inquire into the extent of your abilities and their limitations, with any sensitive information kept in the strictest of confidences. [b]Druid[/b]: Nature itself has seen fit to grant you magical abilities. Most find druidic powers incomprehensible. Even most druids are at a loss to explain them. Your teachers will help you to unravel and develop your skills, even as the fullest extent of your powers may never be known. As the Crescent Academy is well-funded by alumni donations, there is no tuition, no monetary expenses. Your books are provided by the school, but you are responsible for any damage done to school property. To accept enrollment in the academy, merely sign your name onto this parchment, and your name will be added to our student list. Classes start in the fall of this year, and attendance is mandatory. Directions will be provided, and a portal to the academy will be provided if no other means of transportation are possible. Good luck with your studies. -- Archmagister Cadmus.