Brandon awoke early as he always did. But instead of rushing outside or taking a shower or something as many might do, he knelt down and prayed. It was routine for him, daily prayer was food for the soul after all. Eventually he would leave, but not for another hour or so. It was only the second day of the semester, no need to rush -------------- After an hour and a half of praying and otherwise getting ready Brandon emerged from his dorm room, his black hair damp and silky after his shower. He walked slowly down the dull halls towards the courtyard where he knew food would be, [i]Good, food. I'm frickin' starving.[/i] He eventually made it to the courtyard, the smells and sounds of many people and lots of cooking food assaulted his senses. They weren't unwelcome, in fact they reminded him of a festival or something, and festivals always had good food. So Brandon started navigating the courtyard, scanning food stall after food stall until eventually he found what he was looking for. A light blue stand, who's sign depicted a red bowl with noodles, and peas, and meat spilling forth along with the broth and various other ingredients. His nose was filled with the smell coming from the stand, the smell of pure bliss in a bowl. Yes, this was a ramen stand, and one of Brandon's favorites. There was no line surprisingly, so he approached casually and placed his order, handing the short, dark haired girl the required amount of currency. She was fairly good looking some might say, Brandon didn't really care though. Eventually he got his ramen and took a deep whiff before starting the search for a place to quietly sit and enjoy his food. Eventually he found a seat, an empty seat not to far away from a large group of students. From his seat though they shouldn't be much of a bother, unless they really got loud. So Brandon took a seat and began to quietly enjoy his ramen, silently observing those around him.