Kartal just stared into space, with his mind just loaded with one topic. It will be best to leave him at that for now. A phone rang in a Berlin apartment's study, filled with some rare model kits. A dark-haired man in grey pajamas walked to the phone, scrubbing his eyes to get rid of the sand. He picked up the phone and walked to the study where a laptop was. "Speaking?" He said to the speaker. "Oh, we're still dating. When she found out I'm your cousin she freaked out for a while but calmed down. She didn't tell you that we're engaged?" His heart sank. "Wait, meeting someone?" He asked. He thought about the implication. "I'll ask her about this when I can but I'm loaded with work." He responded. "Since I won't be able to go to Japan for a few days yet, please watch over her on my behalf." The German champion got her toolbox with her custom Gunpla ready for what the cosplayer thought as a date when it is more like a session. "I should really tell that guy about how it isn't a date." She thought. "But bursting someone's bubble is harsh." Once she was finished she exited her room and made her way to the lobby. She found the cosplayer already there, a little too eager. "Hi." She greeted him. "I just want to insist that it isn't some date and it should be something like a workshop." She insisted but doubted that he would listen at all. Love can make people blind and apparently deaf to certain words.