Name: Lyren Silverwind Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Water Elemental Race Information: Elementals are mostly humanoid creatures who have perfect control over a single element. Elementals of different types have different traits that allow them to better use their elemental. Water Elementals have nearly invisible gills on the side of neck allowing them to breath underwater. These gills close up on land so that they can also breath above water. Elementals hair and eyes are the same color as the element they wield. Each element has a strength and a weakness and these carry into the bodies of the Elementals. A Water Elemental can resist fire attacks, but takes extra damage from lightning attacks. There is a substance called Celebeam that is deadly to Elementals. Celebeam is a metal like substance, it can be turned into powder or melted. In metal form just being near it will make Elementals weak or ill. In powder form it can be inhaled, depending on the amount it will either make them weak or ill, knock them out, or kill them outright. In liquid form it can be splashed on an Elemental to burn them, or injected to cause agony, or again kill outright. It has been used to torture Elementals in times of war, making them wary of other races. Another weakness, exclusive to the Water Elementals is that they get really weak and dizzy in hot weather, as everything is so dry. Appearance: [img=] Lyren has long dark blue hair and matching eyes. He's about 6 feet tall and has a thin, graceful build. He usually wears the outfit in the picture above. Along with a small, blue, crystal pendant on a silver chain that he wears around his neck. All of his clothing is made of a special material that is made to resist getting wet and dries quickly when it does. Like a hyrid between swimsuit material and a duck's feathers. Personality: Lyren likes to stay on the quiet side and would prefer being alone to having company, especially company involving lots of people. Stubborn to a fault and a fighter to the core, you'll never see him give in without a fight. He's elegant and graceful in almost everything he does. He's observant and detail oriented, he'll noticed things that most people don't think to look at. He tends to make decisions based on his heart, not his head, making him a bit reckless. Despite his recklessness he's actually pretty smart, he just doesn't use his brain as much as he should. He's sneaky too, one minute he'll be this quiet, forgettable thing sitting next to you, and suddenly you're wallet, keys, cellphone, and pants are gone and you never noticed. Not that Lyren steals things, but he's just one of those people who you don't think to check when something does go missing. He's trustworthy and loyal, though does have some issues trusting other people. He's also very protective of those he cares about and would kill or be killed for them in a heartbeat. Bio: Lyren is the son of one of the Elemental leaders, obviously the water one. As such he has gotten a lot more interaction with the other races than a lot of Elementals. Who are still recovering from the constant hatred and wars from the past. Elementals haven't been treated kindly in the past, but in the past one hundred years thing have gotten better. Lyren's natural affinity with water has made him want to be a mage. So he is being sent to Crescent Academy by his father. Not only because of his desire to be a mage, but to further increase the Elementals' relations with the other races. Though Lyren doesn't know that he is being used like that. Powers: Lyren, being a Water Elemental has a natural affinity for water elemental magic. It can be used for many different things and Lyren can even change the temperature of the water if he concentrates enough. Though as soon as it becomes steam or ice, he loses control of it, then it belongs to Wind and Ice Elementals. His magic grows stronger if their is a natural source of water nearby, not like a sink or a bathtub and grows weaker when there isn't any. Being an Elemental, his body kind of does the same thing. Though he can function as long as their is moisture in the air, on really hot, dry days he can barely muster the strength to move. Other: Being so close to the water, Lyren doesn't eat seafood. As it is nearly eating his own kind. Even just the smell or sight of cooked fish makes him ill.