NO SHUT UP THOUGH Magnus stepped forward alongside the others, twirling his sword a few times on the walk. "Room for one more?" He asked rhetorically, a smile barely visible past the slits in his helmet's visor. Much like the others, he was surrounded by a powerful-looking aura, his a brilliant gold in colour. The energy that made it crackled and lashed out like a roaring flame, and sparks of electricity danced throughout it. Tiberius stepped forward as well, moving his head in a neck-cracking motion. "Let me make up for earlier," He said, the jets on the back of his armour giving off even more heat as a bright red aura surrounded him. He tightly gripped the handles of the guns on his arms, and put his fingers into the trigger guards, preparing for the assault. "It's only fair that I do." They charged forward as well, Magnus entering the fray with a force spell cast from his sword. A slash of the blade sent a wave of power forward, and when it hit a group of the black-armoured knights, it sent them tumbling to the ground and careening through the air. He followed it up by gathering blue lightning in his free hand, and when another one of the warriors rushed him, he countered by punching him square in the chest. The lightning surged through him, and while he was stunned, Magnus spun around and slashed at his neck, decapitating him. Tiberius took a ranged approach, but didn't hesitate to jump into the horde. He boosted himself with a blast from his backpack, and upon entering a large group of the soldiers, held his guns out to his sides and spun around, holding down the triggers. Magical bullets formed in the magazine boxes, and fired at a rapid pace. The soldiers' armour proved to be protective against the mana they were made of, but the sheer rate of fire weakened them and made them punch through the metal. When he noticed he needed to concentrate his shots instead of just tearing through everyone rapidly, he switched to the gun's chainsaws. He brought both of them down on the shoulders of one soldier, sawing off his arms, and then kicked him in the chest. He flew forward, and Magnus turned around to cut him in half as he drew near.