Humhum folded his feathers along his arms. Stepping off the table and nodding at Elliot. Looking towards the two places that were pointed by the other. Recognizing the students that were sitting on that table, to Humhum most people were in category of nice. So were this two too. ''Good idea, Elliot, let me first just grab some fish mhm I am going to starve, then lets join them.'' He nodded, not wanting to let anyone wait he slipped between the crowds to the stand, getting two grilled fish. The smell alone was making his mount water. Not just assaulting on the fish, as his stomach demanded, the harpy slipped as fast back to Elliot, before they were going over to the next table a girl approached them. "Hey, there a free spot over here?" Humhum bowed his head, bending his knee a bit towards her.If he didnt hold a plate he would have took her hand and shack it in greeting. He was sure he didnt know her from previous years, concluding she must be new. '' Well mmm to speak the true we were about to join that table, feel free to tug along mmm '' He nodded, sitting beside Orion once they arrived on the table. Biting in his fish, hapily to calm his stomach, he looked over the faces. ''You must be uncomfortable like that no Orion? Want to stretch them later with a fly around the circle. '' Humhum asked noticing how the other folded the wings up. Wondering to himself why he was like that, nearly hiding his wings out of view. Humhum found them to be a really nice color, in his mind those wings should be showed off. He ate a few more bites, listening and nodding. Eyes trailing to the new student. '' You must be amazed by how many different students are around here? My name is Humhum mmmm mhm'' He chuckled now offering officially a hand to great her. '' Are you finding your way around here nicely? If you have any question, ask them mm someone may know the answers mhm~'' He hummed before he started his second and last fish. Hoping the girl will relax and tell about herself maybe. He like knowing lots of peoples, and enjoying hearing some of the stories they may tell.