An'zu slipped off Lune's shoulders after what she assumed to be a small panic attack (one [i]she[/i] just triggered, for gods' sake), and as he waded through the crowd in a hurry, she barely managed to hang onto him. It was probably the most unstable piggyback ride she'd ever had. She supposed she actually could have just let go earlier, but she didn't want to lose Lune in the crowd when he was all freaked out like this. An'zu craned her neck as far back as she could, watching as the wyvern receded into the distance. Of all the things she could do, she just had to practically give her potential new friend a heart attack. It wasn't until they reached an area where the crowd started to dissipate, a fair distance away from the joust and the wyvern she so graciously pointed out to him, that she finally let go. An'zu pulled at his arm to stop him from moving, and gave him a comforting pat on the back, rubbing small circles along his back in an effort to soothe him. [b]"Sorry,"[/b] she said, quirking her lips into a sheepish, apologetic smile. [b]"Didn't know you had a thing about wyverns."[/b] Her everything was screaming out in curiosity, desperately wanting to find out how Lune happened to get such an intense phobia, but even she knew better than to prod and pry. She'd just have to wait until he calmed down, unless she wanted to risk setting him off even more. An'zu looked around for a distraction—anything to get his mind off the wyvern—but found none. They were near the town's gates, and seeing as nearly all of the townspeople had gone to watch the joust, there was little activity beyond the arena. The only thing worth noting was the brown-haired man in dark clothes, on his way to the gates, a big sack of something slung over his shoulder. No, wait, that was a person-- [b]"Hey, it's that guy again,"[/b] An'zu muttered distractedly, watching as he disappeared out into the outskirts of town. [b]"Guess he won against the redhead."[/b] She couldn't help but wonder if he left the arena to have his privacy with his new conquest. Was that the right word? Or was that rude? Crap, she was digressing again! An'zu shook her head, remembering just then why she was looking for a distraction in the first place. [b]"Feeling any better?" [/b] she asked, genuinely apologetic as she hoped the answer was yes.