Araile was surprised how nice feeling HumHum's hand was, she smiled at him and floated away once they let go and looked at him. "Arguments between family members is never a good thing, my father and I argue quite a lot. He thinks I'm spirited." Araile laughed a little twinkly laugh and turned her face towards the alcove when HumHum did, "This storm will last another 2 or 3 hours, it'll get much stronger within the hour then drop to a slow steady sprinkle in an hour and a half or so. And we greet eachother a number of ways, the hand shake is a traditional one when you meet someone new. I've never had to use it. Till now anyway." She smiled at HumHum and dipped her body under the water, she loved the water in this alcove it always was nice and cool and the way it moved made it seem like it was caressing you. She decided to do something she had never done before, she moved forward towards the rock, slowly so as not to frighten HumHum. Then she planted her hands on the rock and pulled herself up, till her tail was planted firmly on the rock and she was sitting upright in front of HumHum. The rock was nice and smooth and felt cold under her scales, she flipped her fin happily and smiled. "I've never sat on a rock before."