(hello can i join?) Name: Noah Daniels Nickname: Ace Age: 16 Bio: Noah had always liked story books especially then ones with knights in them he always wished he could be one when he was younger when he was 12 he began drawing medieval armor and playing basketball as a hobbies Personality: Calm, likes basketball and prefers to be alone Fear: clowns Other: He is the basketball team's best player Story Book Form: [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/209/2/7/the_paladin_by_dagethe3vil-d58y6mj.png[/img] Human Form: [img]http://www.cosplayhouse.com/images/D/Orimura_Ichika%5B1%5D-01.jpg[/img] Weapon: [img]http://www.pixelsinthemaking.com/popups/sword_04.jpg[/img]