Ivy stopped counting under her breath, leaping to her feet to nearly crash into Jötz, all in one fluid movement, her words overlapping his. "[i]LOOK WHAT I MADE![/i]" she demanded brightly, too excited to be annoyed by the interruption. Cupped in her hands, she held a small [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/252/7/8/steampunk_spider_sculpture_7_by_catherinetterings-d2yegvq.jpg]robotic spider[/url]. The creature had eight springy legs, one large, glittering eye, and a multitude of gears and wires tucked into a bulbous container, presumably representing its abdomen. "Its name is Petris," she said, now whispering almost reverently as she brushed a single finger over the clank's right foreleg. At its touch, the small spider stiffened, then wriggled fluidly before said leg straightened, elongating abruptly to fire a laser into one corner of the room, turning an empty crate into a pile of smoking ashes. Ivy's grin broadened. "[i]See?[/i]" she demanded. "Now you don't have to get hurt anymore. Watch." She turned and set her newest creation on the floor at the base of the heavy door. "I want to go in there," she said patiently, then turned over her shoulder to give her companion an excited giggle as the clank went to work. It scuttled up the side of the door with no apparent regard for gravity (though closer inspection would reveal a series of cleat-like spikes protruding from the ends of each of its spindly legs) until it reached the bronzed doorknob, whereupon its two foremost legs moved at a blur. A moment later, the doorknob fell away, revealing a small space to look into the room. The spider folded itself to fit through the hole, and then it was gone. Ivy turned back to Jötz again. "See? No explosions necessa -- " A muffled boom came from the other side of the door, and Ivy rocked back on her heels as the barge swayed in response. A moment later, Petris emerged from the hole left by the discarded doorknob, its demeanor now strangely smug, quickly followed by a curl of black smoke and the smell of gunpowder. Ivy shrugged as she held out a hand for the clank that was now warm to the touch. It crawled up her arm and settled in a curtain of black hair at her shoulder. Ivy shrugged. "Well, no [i]big[/i] explosions. C'mon." She leaned against the heavy door again and was not remotely surprised when it swung back under her hands.