[Hider=Haruka Katsuye] Name: Haruka Katsuye Appearance: [img=http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv285/WhiteTigerDW/Final%20Fantasy%20XIII/Lightning%20-%20Claire%20Farron/l48.jpg] Age: 230 Height: 5'7" Weight: Unknown Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Reddish Blonde (Pink...just don't tell her that) Race: Shinigami Rank: Seventh Seat Spiritual Energy Colour: Dark Silver Personality: Haruka is a...mischievous young woman. Rakish, charming, and faintly masculine in her movements, Haruka has no shortage of witty comebacks. One of three facial expressions are commonly seen in Haruka's: The Scowl of Doom, the Smirk of Doom, or the "I'm Completely Ignoring You, Why Aren't You Shutting Up?" Glare of Doom. Her playful/bristly nature is offset by her duty bound mindset. No matter what, the mission comes first. Should that fail, the getting her comrades to safety takes over. She isn't very keen on her extended family, and barely has contact with her immediate family. Lately, interactions have been along "Read this, please, Lady Haruka" or "Please sign your permission for these missives, Lady Haruka?" She can be found training when she isn't tending to her Zanpakuto, meditating, or planning/reading something. Haruka is a gifted fighter, with specializations in the arts of Zanjutsu, Hoho, and Hakuda. Her Kido could use some work, but she was never good at having to memorize things. Her control is very good for being a first generation fighter, but improvement is always welcomed/needed. History: Haruka is the eldest female of the mysterious Katsuye noble family. The Katsuye are a political family, and are not known to breed notable warriors. Haruka would be the first to actually become a seated member of the Gotei 13, should she make it that far. Despite her blood standing, she is not eligible as an heir due to familial law. This bothered her greatly as a child. Many attempts were made by the clan head, her father, to change the law but were always rejected by the clan council. Haruka lived a life of luxury, but absolutely hated it. Being the rambunctious tomboy, she often snuck out of her lessons with her siblings and cousins to play with the children of the servants. It was amongst them that she learned the meaning and value of loyalty: A servant saved her from a very severe reprimand by claiming he fetched the girl from her lessons for her mother. That same servant suffered a severe beating and was released from his duties. As a young teenager, Haruka made amends with the servant and got him a job as her brother's attendant. In gratitude the man's daughter insisted on becoming Haruka's attendant. The two became close friends throughout Haruka's schooling and lessons. They still remain close, following Haruka's recent graduation and her friend's marriage and recent pregnancy news. Other: ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto name: Yuurei Kishi Type: uncategorized Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: "One More Time, Yuurei Kishi!" Spirit Appearance: [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs14/f/2007/007/9/f/Dance_of_Death_by_nepunicorn.jpg] Inner world: [img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs21/f/2007/244/2/b/Broken_City_by_oozkr.jpg] Sealed appearance [img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110510211015/nazizombiesplus/images/c/c3/Katana.jpg] Shikai appearance:[img=http://www.kropserkel.com/Images/ngaunt6.jpg] (colored black and silver) Bankai appearance: [img=https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/s403x403/526908_172946942855830_93336211_n.jpg] Shikai skills: (Start off with no Shikai or 4 to 5 Shikai skills) 1. Aerodynamic: Haruka uses Yuurei Kishi and Hakuda for a flurry of acrobatic kicks and slices. Her body glows silver and becomes a virtual blur. Lasts for 1 post, 3 post cool down. 2. Instant Crush: Haruka aims a point of Yuurei Kishi (up to three finger tips) and releases a beam of condensed silver colored spirit energy from each point. Lasts for 1 post, 2 post cool down. 3. HBFS: Haruka HITS a specific point of the opponent's body, then makes a BLOCKING motion to press a point of her zanpakuto either against or toward the opponent. She then FLIPS away, only for to aim a SURGE of her spirit energy at that specific point. Lasts for 2 posts (HB=1st post, FS= 2nd post), 4 post cool down. 4. Digital Love: Haruka holds one arm perpendicular to the ground, the crosses her free arm near the elbow. The five tips of the gauntlets glow and release two spiritual energy versions of her sealed zanpakuto. The blades can be used to either attack or to create a shield. When used for attack, she can control the swords normally or as independent swords mentally. If using them for defense, Haruka uses it to parry blade attacks or to create one large bubble shield (alongside her normal shield) against lower leveled attacks. The shield aspect is a last ditch effort, since this is a primarily offensive technique. Lasts until the 5 slashes, one blast or one block requirements are fulfilled. If used for 5 slashes or blast, cool down is 2 posts. If used for the shield, cool down is 5 posts. 5. 6. 7. 8. Bankai skills: Not unlocked yet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (Ultimate Skill) Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: Derezzed: Smacks an opponent with the flat of Yuurei Shinjin for the purpose of causing confusion and disorientation. Can be performed in Sealed State. Together: Haruka attacks her opponent with her sheathed, Zanpakuto. Skills Zanjutsu: Hozuri Shitonegaeshi Kido: Bakudo: Bakudo #8: Seki Hado: Konogobaku Gaki Rekko Sokatsui Hakuda: Tessho Kazaguruma Gatoringu Jidanda Hoho: Shunpo Points gained from missions: 10 Personal Training: 16 Mission log: Investigation of District 65! (10 points) Personal Training (16 points) Points spent and skills gained: 20 spent, 6 skills gained [/hider]