Darren's stomach growled. He hadn't eaten anything since last night, and he was getting hungry. Darren frowned. [i]I guess I'll have to see people now.[/i] Darren put his sniper rifle in his back, and skipped nimbly down the branches and to the forest floor. He walked towards the academy, watching it slowly emerge from behind the trees. [i]It really is a beautiful place.[/i] As he was getting close to the academy, he noticed a boy he recognized from the previous year being dragged away by what seemed to be nothing. Then he saw behind the boy was one of the magics teachers. And then he remembered. One of the students had an uncle who was a teacher here. The teacher always seemed to be teaching his nephew (if you can call almost killing him "teaching") and training him. All of a sudden, a girl (with fox ears and a tail) came running out of nowhere, and started talking with the pair. The magics teacher didn't seem too thrilled at having his family gathering disrupted. Darren's curiousness overcame his urge to be solitary, and he walked over to the small group. When he got within earshot of the conversation he heard the girl saying "...we need your help back at the stall. Those burgers aren't going to magically flip themse-" She paused for a moment, then turned to the magics teacher, "Oh! Sorry, if I'm interrupting something sir! Truly am. It's just I've been looking all over for Andrew here. Ya know your nephew here is a really swell guy, volunteering to help with his magical capabilities. He's got a lot of potential I tell ya. No wonder you two are related! Sorry, but do you mind if he comes and helps us out here for a little while? We're under a lot of pressure as it is and with him on board we can take on even more." Darren's stomach growled again. He realized she was talking about the food stalls. Darren always liked working at the food stalls, because then he got to eat as much as he wanted (it wasn't really allowed, but no one noticed). So realizing he fell upon a perfect oppurtunity, Darren forced a smile to his lips, turned to the girl and said: "Hey, I wouldn't mind helping out at the food stalls. No need to bother this happy family!"