Character Sheet Name:Blake Age: 20 Gender: Male [hider=Appearance:] [img=] [/hider] Personality: Blake is an intelligent strategist who is more then happy to employ smart and sometimes underhanded tactics to win a game be it a RPG Or MMO. however he like most other people is flawed his clumsiness and his laid back attitude often get him into trouble. He is often forgetting things and tends to be verry introverted not talking to anyone really offline Although he treasures friendships he has and would go out of his way to help or assist at any time regardless of consequence. History: he works a job at a local game store and is good friends with the mangers daughter being so introverted shes the only Person IRL that he talks to and gets along with and as such works hard to keep up a good relationship Blake often makes mistakes until he gets excited this only really happens in games however there was one occurrence. Back when he first met Karen (His Friend IRL) she was being dragged into a back ally Blake caught a glimpse of this and rushed over to help oddly Blake found this life or death situation to be exhilarating and assumed the same kind of mode as he did with games. he remembers little else however Karen remembers it fondly and has been friends with him ever since. LV: 1 Current EXP: 0 Epic Points: 3 [hider= Status Window] Free Stat Points (0) STR4: VIT:1 DEX:1 (+1) INT:10 (+1) WIS:8 LUK:1 HP: MP: [/hider] [hider= Talent Window] Acrobatics (DEX): Appraisal (INT): Climbing (STR): Crafting (INT): First Aid (INT): Fisticuffs (DEX): Focus (WIS): 4 Knowledge (INT): 4 Manipulate Device (DEX): Melee Weaponry (DEX): Negotiation (INT): 4 Observation (INT): 4 Projectile Weaponry (DEX): Sleight of Hand (DEX): Stealth (DEX): Thrown Weapons (DEX): [/hider] [hider=Skills] The Gamer (MAX LV) (Passive): You possess the Mind of a Gamer. +1 INT, +1 DEX. Immune to all Psychological Affects. Able to analyze things in the same way a gamer could. Game Character's Body (MAX LV) (Passive): You possess a body that lets you live like a Game Character in the real world. [/hider] [hider=Inventory] Nothing here yet. [/hider]