[quote=SyrianHamster] I sure did. Going for a war-torn state open to foreign investment. Let me know what needs changing, if anything. [/quote] I'm such, that it's going to be fun to read. Remember, provide some pictures! [quote=Katabasis] I'm away from my actual computer for the weekend (typing this on a tablet), and while I can make my NS on here with relative ease, I cannot edit images. As a result, I can't really stake my claim on the map yet, which is an issue considering the fact that I sort of have my heart set on one region in particular. As a result, I suppose I'll just go ahead and say that I'd like to claim the hilly valley area between the Crown Spires and Bilnula Mountains for my faction. I should be able to post an accurate location using the map image once I reach a computer on Monday, but until then just try not to plop a nation on top of my own, please Anyway, I'm off to make my nation sheet. It should be ready in a day or so, if all goes well. [/quote] Alright, I got you. I'll save it until you could go back to your computer. [quote=Theodorable] Anyone interested in playing a nation in a civil war? A singular nation that had one faction declare independence? The war will obviously end in a pseudo-stalemate with two functioning nations, but it'd be a good piece of storytelling! [/quote] That sounds good to read as well. [quote=Kilo6] So what are the population limits for nations? [/quote] The limit is 200,000,000. [quote=Ollumhammersong] I think I will do the Nation of the Gnomes. [/quote] Alright, have fun. Remember that they protect the gardens as well xP [quote=Skylar] I'm going to be setting up a Communist industrial state, which is now beginning to turn outwards to spread the joys of Communism to everyone!After they get some serious domestic economic problems resolved and get their bureaucracy down to a less monstrous size. [/quote] Everyone loves Communist! [quote=Kilo6] Man I'm actually getting hyped by this one! Scratch that, I think I'm finished and ready for review! I might make a few more edits here and their as I reread the NS, but its essentially done. [/quote] Alright, I'll have a look at it as soon as a few more people are done with theirs.