Sola, judging from how you responded, it doesn't sound like you cared about what I implied by these comments. In the hopes that further entertaining the issue will settle future issues, I'll put it more bluntly - for the last two, at least. - I dislike it when I am given contradictory information, at least for one particular part of the description, at most for the entire post. It limits how creative I can be with a response, and makes it far less fun to read what you are writing because I have to decrypt it. If you want to do all the writing, it's going to be a pain in the arse to read if you're not editing out simple stuff like this. Yes, I can understand that I am supposed to go to one of these areas by the end of your post, but your description should put a picture in our heads, not throw out random information and give us instructions like an assignment in sixth-grade English Composition. :P - You insinuated that what side the guards holster their swords on is irrelevant. The only reason I wasted our time bringing it up was because it is the polar opposite of trivial. I proposed that they were all left handed as a joke - if they were, the guards of this town would be world-renowned and would be called "leftoia" or something, because that is an incredible oddity which would likely root through the town's history back to the day of its founding. If you are unfamiliar with the advantage of being left-handed in a sword fight, the great majority of all fighters throughout history were right handed. As a result, left handed fighters would have a lot of practice against right-handed fighters, but not the other way around(R fights R usually, not R V L), and would thusly be far more proficient at taking advantage of the opponent's right-handed habits. Also, any weaponry the shop sells would definitely be left handed, if not ambidextrous. >.> Aside from the left-handed joke, a person usually carries a sword on his right side as a sign that he isn't going to use the sword. It is a monumental task to draw a sword with your right hand from your right side in the heat of the moment - almost as difficult as drawing a sword from a back holster. This doesn't make sense for a guard, as they tend to use their swords very often. :3 So, after writing all of this out, I hope this seemingly trivial detail holds more weight in your heart, and that you will use all details with great reverence in the future. Edit: Oh my...I just noticed that the word "online" now resides in that space to the left of my post. YAY! PROGRESS! Also, I'm going to think through what I want Zimnis to do, because I want it to be as unpredictable as possible.