Out of nowhere a horse came galloping and knocked over a dozen of the creatures. The man quickly jumped on his horse. "If I'da known you had a horse I woulda left you alone." Buck smiled at him. "But enough pleasant bullshit. Follow me!" Buck spurred his horse right through Theive's Landing and out the other side. At full gallop horses seemed to be able to plow through the creatures. Normally horses don't run over people, but Buck guess that horse instinct could tell these creatures weren't human. Buck and the man rode at full gallop for several minutes before Buck slowed his horse down. They were riding through a clearing and none of the creatures were in sight. Buck spied a small grove of trees up ahead. "Hey stranger. Name's Buck." He said as the other man rode up besides him. "I know you probably thought that roof was the best place for ya. Well, it ain't. Those damned things will wear ya down. Wait you out. You gotta keep moving. Least that's what I've found. They don't seem to take to woods real well. They prefer towns and high grass. Just like damned wolves." Buck laughed as they headed to the small grove of trees.