[hider=First post]A new town, at the eve of an old day. The very reason he chose this journey, the beginning of an understanding of adventure, the first amazing sight since the endless blue of sea, finally within reach! Zimnis, giddy with excitement, nearly tripped over his own leg as he ran off of the St. Christopher, eager to explore the new town. With two hops and one great leap, the thick-bearded gnome broke free of his water-locked prison and returned to sweet land - right in the unpleasantly warm backside of a busy laborer heaving a rather heavy burden. [b]"Oh, pardon, I seem to have tripped,"[/b] the gnome mumbled, hastily shuffling away from the laborer, hot with embarrassment and barely able to stay upright, even with the support of his stave. After a few seconds, the gnome recovered his composure and giggled happily to himself as he reached the cold, cobbled road. It was not quite dusk, however the fog and the sea spray combined to cool off the cobbled stones quite well. Zimnis knew this immediately upon reaching the road, for he spent a long moment kissing two of the well-set stones fervently, gracious to be off the water. Looking back to the rag-tag group of sentient creatures who shared his interest, Zimnis wiped a tear from his eye and commented, [b]"Tis' not till you lose something that you realize how important it is!"[/b] He then kissed the rock once more and rose to his feet, his stout stave clonking against the well-adored rock as he looked ahead, towards three distinguishable buildings. Immediately, he could identify the building which most resounded with his interests and life-long goals. Only one of the three buildings could possibly quench the overwhelming desire for land and freedom which had been so long withheld from him. [b]"There won't be enough ale' in all the kingdom to cap ma' gullet!"[/b] roared the gnome, a wide grin stretched across his face as he set off towards the Inn.[/hider]