[center]Deep Valley Boarding Academy seems like any normal school for the most privileged and elite kids out there but underneath the insanely hard "test" to get in is a school for the Odd people and the Supernatural people. The students pretend to be normal when human students are there but once they're gone, the school comes alive. Welcome to a new school year at Deep Valley! Hello everyone! It is I booksmusicanime and I have finally started a new roleplay and IT'S OF SOMETHING I HAVEN'T DONE!! Oh I love starting new roleplays. The idea came to me today while doing dishes which is how I get ALL my ideas. So I wanted to try something new for how this roleplay is set up so like always here are the rules!! 1. NO GODMODDING! I say this in every RP I have created and I still find godmoders on my RPS. 2. Don't be overpowered. I want everyone to be fair and equal 3. DO NOT control a character that isn't yours. I hate when people do this and if I catch you doing this even once I will not be nice. 4. I make the rules. No one else. I have all control of the rules and you cannot say that there are no open spots. Let ME say that because I do talk to people over PMs about joining roleplays and if I remember I will have a spot reserve up for them. 5. Please keep it PG-14. Anything more than kissing move it to PMs and no major cussing. Some cussing is allowed. 6. Warn me when you will be gone so I can catch you up. I hate when people disappear without telling me. I've lost almost half a roleplay due to that. 7. Be nice. Even I do it sometimes but if you decide to become a class A jerk just leave or once you realize what you've done apologize to the person you were a jerk to. I want everyone to feel welcome. 8. This will be a first come first serve. There are only 10 spots to this roleplay. 9. You MUST have a human form to your character if you are a creature. 10. No weird creatures. Only the creatures I put on the creature list are accepted, or if you give me a wiki link to the creature you want your character to be. 11. Please no new students. I don't really want to deal with that. Your character MUST have knowledge on the school. 12. You can only have ONE character!!! 13. And most importantly have fun! I don't like it when people are downers so if you're down just trust me you'll be cheered up and having fun again in no time. Now I'll start this off with some information about the school. Just to note THIS ACADEMY IS FAKE! This is all created from my mind. If it seems like a real school or if the town its near is real I'm sorry 'bout that.[/center] [hider=The Academy] [center][img]http://static.tumblr.com/h58tkic/P6ilw6cfm/boarding_school.gif[/img] Deep Valley Academy was created by Headmaster Wickson for teenagers that were supernatural or 'special' to go to school and hone their abilities while being protected by people wanting to hurt them. The academy has been open since 1981 and is located in the town of Brooke in Oregon. Students are allowed to roam the town on weekends IF they have good grades and are good at hiding what they are. [/center][/hider] [hider=Academy Photo Tour] The Dorm Rooms [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-64neAYBPZ6M/T6JoeMSNkNI/AAAAAAAAMqM/Z6lFQaqaJ4U/s640/10+Cool+Dorm+Rooms+for+Boys32.png[/img] Each student has their own dorm rooms. This room is what all students have, except for the Vampire students. Vampire Dorm Rooms [img]http://www.castles.org/castles/Europe/Western_Europe/France/Versailles/cama.jpg[/img] Just the bed and the wall the rest of the decor is like the other dorms. Located in the basement. Only artificial lighting is in these rooms. The Lounge [img]http://scenarhome.us/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Large-living-room-home-theater-43.jpg[/img] In the dorm building but this part of the main floor is made without windows, allowing the vampires to also hang out with the rest of the students up there. The Dorm Building [img]http://i1123.photobucket.com/albums/l543/hercampusphoto/Places/Other%20places/17619d17.jpg[/img] School Grounds [img]http://www.huntershd-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/documents/38219865/38225880/HuntersHill11.jpg/large[/img] Lunch Room [img]http://cdn.bisnisukm.com/2010/02/CU-Food-Court1.jpg[/img] Tech Room [img]http://www.stvinc.com/portfolio_images/Kutztown%20University%20Student%20Union%20Building%20Additions.jpg[/img] Classrooms [img]http://www.csuchico.edu/classrooms/images/MLIB442pic_163904.jpg[/img][/hider] [center]Now for the list of things you can be and their limitations.[/center] [hider=Supernatural/Special types and Limitations] Magi: The closes type a human the school has. They can cast magic spells. Their biggest limitation is that they do run out of magic energy and they have to regain it. Shape Shifter: They can shift between a human form and a animal form. Their limitation is that in their animal form they forget who is their ally and who's not. Vampire: Vampires are your basic honest to god vampires. No Edwards. Their limitation is they can't go out into the sun without being burnt, like touching a hot stove. They go out into the sun with a umbrella or clothes covering their skin from the sun. Werewolfs: Honest to god Werewolfs. No Jacobs. Their limitation is that they are weaker in their human form but they don't shift during the full moon. Faye: Fayes can control a certain element. Their skin takes on the color of their element. Their limitation is they have to be close to their element to use it. Fairy: Small wisp like creatures. They do have human forms but they rarely use them. They can create illusions to trick their enemies. Their limitation is that they can't make illusions while in human forms. Face Changer: These interesting people can change their appearances at will. They normally have two different appearances. Their limitation is if they change faces too often then they will get stuck in this ugly in between morph.[/hider] [center]Now we have that stuff out of the way. HERE'S THE FORM!![/center] [hider=Form] First Name: Last Name: Age (14-18): Grade (9-12): Human Appearance: Other Appearance: Personality: Bio (Optional): Type (Magi, Faye, etc): Power (If You Have Powers): Theme Song (Optional): Other:[/hider] [center][b]7/10[/b][/center] [center][b]RESERVED SPOTS ShadowVentus Rin Okumura UNKNOWN SPOTS: ShadowVentus Rin Okumura JasmineRae13 Erklings25 Therealsoysauce[/b][/center] [center][b]ACCEPTED CHARACTERS[/b][/center] [hider=booksmusicanime: Cora Summers] [img]http://img3.visualizeus.com/thumbs/05/db/anime,female,girl,hair,illustration,pink-05db16c3ad59acc996cac36140377523_h.jpg[/img] [img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/61925851/large.jpg[/img] First Name: Cora Last Name: Summers Age (14-18): 15 Grade (9-12): 10 Personality: When you first meet her she is feisty, cruel, and cold. She seems to hate the world and everyone on it but once you get to know her she is funny, kind, gentle, and caring. Bio (Optional): She doesn't like to say but it can be gathered that she had a abusive past due to the scars on her arm and legs. Type (Magi, Faye, etc): Face Changer Power (If You Have Powers): Ability to change a different appearance at will. Theme Song (Optional): Game Over by Falling in Reverse Other:[/hider] [hider=datadogie: Luna Moonsinger] First Name: Luna Last Name: Moonsinger Age (14-18): 14 Grade (9-12): 9 Human Appearance: [img]http://tsuzukusekai.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/kirino_op_face.jpg[/img] Other Appearance: N/A Personality: Luna is a very cheerful girl, who likes music and having fun. Luna is also very shy, and very easily made upset. She normally carries around a pan flute, which is hand-crafted by her. She loves it dearly, and can often be found playing it. Luna is quite friendly when you get to know her past her shyness. Bio (Optional): N/A (To be Role Played) Type (Magi, Faye, etc): Magi Power (If You Have Powers): Luna has the power to hide in shadows, turning near-invisible, but is visible if you get near enough to her. Luna can also blind someone for five seconds, but she hasn't fully mastered the spell, and its a bit hard for her to cast it. Theme Song (Optional): [youtube]X7Eso1JcXp0[/youtube] Other: Luna usually carries her pan flute wherever she goes. The pan-flute is hand crafted by her, and has an extra two parts; A small, secret compartment which she can hide something in, and a normal flute which she can choose to play instead of the pan part.[/hider] [hider=MissNothing13: Grace Harlot] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/f9/f2/ad/f9f2ad3b0a44b8a1945cae02177715f9.jpg[/img] First Name: Grace Last Name: Harlot Age: 17 Grade: 11 Personality: Grace is a polite girl who is not afraid to speak her mind. She is very well-mannered with a, sometimes, strange sense of humor. She is also very charming and knows what to say to get what she wants. She may not trust people easily but if you earn her trust you have a loyal friend. She is also very honorable. If she makes a promise then she keeps it no matter what. But, if she doesn't like you then beware of her promises. Because she may promise something but then she may look for a loop-hole in order to get what she wants. So, you do not want her as an enemy. Oh! And you do not want to see her when she is mad. She can curse you out in 4 different languages, excluding English, while sounding so sweet you would never see it coming. She also may seem emotionless at times but if you get to know her you'll be able to see the amazing person she really is. Bio: She doesn't really talk about her past, it was a long time ago. She might tell you in the rp. Type: Vampire Power: Just the powers every vampire has. Theme Song: [youtube]H7zCEpWt-3U[/youtube] Other: She has major family issues. So, don't ask her about them[/hider] [hider=-no-: Reese Monzac] First Name: Reese Last Name: Monzac Age (14-18): 17 Grade (9-12): 11 Human Appearance: [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/05e50e21ff46837a328f9237d17dcc13/tumblr_inline_natyib59Fh1s2av11.png[/img] Other Appearance: [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/0f7b4ec00043703fbdee867fa262a2d0/tumblr_inline_natx89KHYp1s2av11.jpg[/img] Personality: Born for the sole purpose of wreaking havoc upon the mortal world, Reese seems to ultimately fail at this. He is aloof, apathetic, and careless. These may seem like exceptional traits for a young demon to have, but his carelessness is the reason he was condemned to a life on Earth until further notice. The boy is, for a lack of a better term, lazy. He refuses to put in the effort to torture innocent souls and ruin lives. He would rather live out the rest of his immortal life putting in the bare minimum of work. Additionally, demons supposedly do not have the capacity to genuinely empathize or sympathize. They also cannot form bonds with anyone else. However, whether they cannot or simply just choose not to is a mystery. For this reason, Reese initially shows a disinterest in just about everyone he meets. Bio (Optional): When Reese was formed, he had no name, as most demons do not. He was a being conjured in the flames of Hell and raised by no one but the ashes surrounding him. Demons are a self-reliant species. Their existence appears when a demon whose lifespan has exceeded its limits disappears. Their life and death is an enigma. Reese, however, is one demon that the Devil himself took notice in. There was an error in his existence. Demons are made to bring death and destruction, but Reese refused to partake in any of that. Rather, he spent the first years of his life aimlessly roaming around between different realms. This was forbidden. As a demon, you have a job, and the Devil refused to allow this rebellious one to continue living life this way. So, the young boy was banned from ever returning to Hell, and ordered to live out his life on Earth until further notice. Whether Reese will be allowed back in Hell is indefinite, but he does not spend time worrying about this. In fact, he ironically embraces his newfound almost-mortality. He has given himself a name, taken on a human form, and enrolled in a high school just to spite the one who has forced him to stay on Earth. Type (Magi, Faye, etc): Demon Power (If You Have Powers): His strength, stamina, and combat abilities are all supernaturally enhanced. He also has the power to enter minds and possess their bodies, which he has never tried before simply due to the fact that he never had the desire to do so. However, a main limitation is the fact that he is bound to Hell albeit his condemnation. His loyalties will always lie with the Devil. If he is ordered to do something drastic, he must follow that order and under no circumstances ever deny them. Another limitation is his weakened state around religious objects. Theme Song (Optional): Trashy Innocence- Gumi Other: I hope it's okay that I used a species not from the list!! I altered a few old myths about demons in order to make sense of Reese's history and reason for being on Earth.[/hider] [hider=Vindle: Vindle Zaden] First Name: Vindle Last Name: Zaden Age (14-18): 15 (might change later) Grade (9-12): 10 (again, might change later) Human Appearance: [img]http://triptychalessandro.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/a-smile.png[/img] Other Appearance: N/A Personality: Vindle is kind to everyone who's kind to him. He likes to help out, but also likes to hear about rumors and things that may be happening that shouldn't be told to others. This gets him into hot water at times. In addition to this, he has a hard time holding back when fighting someone in, say, practice. However, Vindle is very nice and doesn't have any bad intentions. Vindle also stands strong to his opinions, even avoiding logic to be right. Bio (Optional): Vindle comes from a small island that's pretty much in the middle of nowhere. The island is a peaceful place and everyone there is a magi with water abilities. Since his water magic had been forming at a worse rate than others, he decided it'd be best to go to an academy to see if that would help. Type (Magi, Faye, etc): Magi Power (If You Have Powers): Like mentioned in the bio, Vindle has manipulation of water. In addition to this, he also has ena. Even though Vindle has made his ena more adapt to being out of water, he still needs to be in water every few days or else it will chip away. Theme Song (Optional): N/A (might find one later though) Other: If the ena part requires me to make him part faye I will, but I don't want him a full faye.[/hider] [hider=KindledBeast] First Name: Alastair Last Name: Vegni Age (14-18): 17 Grade (9-12):11 Appearance: [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/018/2/f/hitomi__code_breaker_by_magg93-d5rxenb.png[/img] Personality: Alastair loves messing with people from flirting with girls to even making guys feel uncomfortable, he may seem like he can't be serious but given the right mood and situation he can be a cold serious person, he doesn't tolerate disrespect of him or his family meaning both blood family an those he adopts Into his life. Bio (Optional): He was always the bad guy in his family the black sheep you could say he loved blood more then his family did it was like a drug to him he couldn't get enough of it but after massacring a small village his family sent him away to a academy they said it would help him control his blood lust and even hone a few if his other abilities. Type (Magi, Faye, etc): Vampire Power (If You Have Powers): Normal powers for a pure blood vampire. Theme Song (Optional): Code geass OST The master Other:[/hider] [hider=1Charak2] First Name: Charak Last Name: Bloodwulf Age (14-18): 17 Grade (9-12): 11 Human Appearance: [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131021090909/erashinobionline/images/5/5a/SabiruChild.jpg[/img] Other Appearance: [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/8961878f7a0670229e9185c4d4e4ae40/http://i1359.photobucket.com/albums/q799/Rhythmspinner/Evil-Anime-Guy_zpsb38443a2.jpeg[/img] Wolf Form. [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/536266-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] Personality: he is Calm and Carefree. freed from his previous "dutys" He has great fear of what his wolf form will do it has a mind of its own its a collection of all the evil in his heart and threatens to take over his human mind as well he just has to sty it till his 21'st birthday where he can perform the sealing but till then the creature grows stronger and more deadly with each passing week. Bio (Optional): Type (Magi, Faye, etc): Cursed Werewolf Power (If You Have Powers): Theme Song (Optional): [youtube]UWr4yjxNKzA[/youtube] Other: he is from the original bloodline of werewolfs So he does not have a choice when he transforms and has no control But his wolf form is stronger then the newer breeds. Curse info: Wip [/hider] [hider=FoxFireofDawn] First Name: Ylva Last Name: Vishta'kk Age (14-18): 17 Grade (9-12): 11 Human Appearance: [img]http://wallpoper.com/images/00/40/61/13/touhou-dress_00406113.jpg[/img] Other Appearance: (couldn't find a suitable picture. ;_;) Her hair turns to black and her eyes turn to a red hue. The pupil then goes swirled and a bit like the eyes, her hair goes very curly and knotted, so much she gets a brush stuck in it if she tries to brush it out. It still frames her face nicely, though. A black diamond appears under her right eye. She wears a black jacket with a red t shirt underneath, along with blue jeans and sneakers. She refuses to wear the traditional clothing, for it feels to 'fluffy' for her. Personality: She is very quiet and not very expression-ate person who's very hard to anger. Normally, she's quite moody but when in her human appearance, she puts up an act to be more cheerful. She hates doing this though, so it makes her use less of that appearance. She is sometimes incredibly lazy with work and at others, quite serious. Bio: (I'll write this out later, for now I'll leave it as TBR.) Type: Fairy Power: She can cast some strong illusions, but her personality often causes her to make only ones with minimal effort, so they're much weaker and smaller. Theme Song: [youtube]fjElQhmwBPI[/youtube] Other: Crows seem to naturally crowd and land near her, which is slightly weird.[/hider]