[quote=TheBeanBurrito] Actually, I really don't have time to devote to this any longer. Gonna have to drop. [/quote] Good bye, feel free to come back any time if you want to follow our story. [quote=LimeyPanda] Hi there Catharyn: There are two mainland factions available at the moment: Valenwood and Eleswyr. If you want a run down of events that have happened thus far, scroll up the previous page to GCold's post and click the first link, which will bring you to Khan's general plot rundown. [/quote] Since we're on that, we have Pyandonea available in addition to Valenwood, Elsweyr and possibly Alinor. There is also the possibility of controlling both Alinor and Valenwood as the Aldmeris Dominion. I've also improved Khan's plot summary, its in the post below.