The fence of Barclay looms foggily on the moors of the ruined world, the merest semblance of life that had once been lies silently with the row of now rundown cars on and around the street. It hadn't been too long, you'd think, but the way the metal laid twisted and glass shattered from the ferocity the undead exerted to open the can of sardines...well. A rabbit trundles out of its den in a fallen tree, timidly sniffing the air before abruptly looking up in the direction of the woods. Footsteps grow in volume, apparently running and just before a crossbow bolt skewers it to the ground. It begins to writhe violently, quickly recovering from its shock while its screams are overtaken by the feral howls of the infected. A shadow washes over the rabbit and a clawed hand of shadow grips the shaft, dragging the rabbit with the rippling red figure which leaps in time to avoid a diving zombie as they run from the viewpoint. The view is soon overcome with zombies tripping over each other in their pursuit. The scene slows as it pans to a side view of the chase, artistically tailored with waving grey grass on a darker plane of the hills and sky in the distance. Zombie are instead replaced with a wave steadily chasing a gently rippling blood red cloud of cloth. "I can still see them..." A female voice narrates as the view zooms out to the front gates of Barklay just in time to a thump of rifle fire from the silhouette of an old man standing between two other figures and two zombies. One of the zombies begins falling, going limp while the other stumbles over. " was a wash the second the girl had been bitten, and the foolishness of the boy to try to hide it from me was-" the narrator cut off as the old man readies a second shot. The view zooms back to the mass of red, up to the shoulder of the figure just as jaws clamp down with a jarring screech of enamel on steel, a tooth pops loose. A spike of pitch black erupts from the bite point, piercing the zombie through the head and dissipating into a dark mist, throwing its body into the others. Time resumes as the dark, disjointed arm swings, pitching the rabbit from the bolt which is withdrawn back under the cloak. The rabbit hits one zombie in the face and is caught out of the air by another, successfully distracting 3 of the fiends while the two who were knocked over by the assailant. The cloak figure dashed, seemingly leaping a good twenty feet while even to the ground, darkness itself from under the cloak depositing them them; coming to a rest in the shadow of one of the ragtag guard towers and taking a few hopping steps back while drawing a crossbow, already loaded. The 3 collected themselves, accompanied by another two who had ignored the feeding frenzy over the rabbit after it had fallen silent. Two clawed arms of darkness flew from under the billowing cloak, gripping a zombie by the face, each and smashing their heads together. They continued to squirm and reach for the figure who seemed to be checking their shoulder for damage while a third went mostly unnoticed. Pushing its way past the two who, from being pulled apart, were smashed back together with lethal force this time. Before it was almost too late, a third hand, the one with the bolt, rose up from between the figure's legs and rammed the bladed projectile up into the beast's jaw and through the base of its skull, slaying it, though the momentum forcing it onto Red who fell to a knee from the weight. The other two arms fizzled and dropped the corpses, only to reveal the now blood-soaked 3 who had savagely devoured the rabbit...and their four fiendish friends. ~~~~~~~~~ My perspective snapped back to reality as my concentration broke, I now stared down the remaining seven. I lifted my crossbow to fend them off, but misfired from the lack mobility, sending it into the dirt. Blindness rapidly returning, I rolled myself up in the cloak before the first of them hit, pushing me against the fence. I made myself as small of a target as possible, using the one with the bolt in its head for cover from the ensuing blows of the desperate screaming dead. I only hoped this settlement wasn't abandoned. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Meanwhile, the boy at the gate drove his axe into the second zombie, rising to the occasion as the girl panted against the barrier, pale. "Rook!" She called, checking her pistol in the event she needed it in between checking the bleeding on her leg. "Don't worry babe! I won't let any of these nerds get near you" he tosses off with a chuckle, kicking the one on his axe off to free it up before glancing to the gate and shouting "Oi! Are you all dead in there, too?" The old man took the moment to reload, a good four more coming out of the trees. He dropped one of them with a few shots before his gun jammed, obviously poorly maintained from its time spent on the road. It was clear, however, despite his age, he was a decent marksman. (Red is actually blind, but a savant hunter because of their affinity to perceive the world through the movement of shadows. However, once concentration is broken by physical or emotional stress, they quickly revert.)