The Interrogator kept her mouth shut as the last few entered the room, her smart mouth going no farther than to the Inquisitor before her. Despite the rest being equals to her, if only in name if not rank, she showed a certain respect to them. Mostly, it was through not harassing them as much as she did her boss. And she only harassed him because he put up with her shit. She'd made cracks before about the harem of assassins he kept around him, which probably would have ended up with her head on a stick if she'd said it to any other Inquisitor. Either way, she respected him enough to not do more than irritate him. At least, not on purpose. However, the gift of a collar only made it too painful to choke back any comments. Once he finished explaining its purpose, she gave him a skeptical look, and said, "Damn, boss, you got some weird kinks giving this to a girl a fourth of your age." Her hands trembled for a moment while holding it, the woman extremely reluctant to limit her abilities in any way, even if it was to the benefit of her peers. With a heavy sigh, she strapped the collar around her neck, then sidled back against the wall, looking more than a little subdued. As Xersus droned on, the raven on her shoulder, whom Anna had dubbed Archimedes, surveyed the others in the room. Beak in her ear, it muttered little things it noticed, as it was meant to. Such as the angle of the Vindicare's gun, and that, even with the Rosarius and her power armor, it would likely still kill her. At the very least, mortally wound her. Other little things, like the way others stood, when their eyes wandered, whether they seemed tense or relaxed. Nothing could be made of Xersus, though. Anna hated that about him, if nothing else. Never showed any sign of anything, unless he wanted you to. Her hand raised up to scratch at the Aquila stamped across her cheek, and allowed her eyes to go to the pair of Sisters in the room. If she didn't know any better, she'd think they were worshipers of Khorne, as much as they liked torture and violence. Or perhaps Slaanesh, now that she thought about it. A smirk came over her face, imagining the two under the colors of Chaos. And the called [i]her[/i] a radical. Now that she was done thinking about everything of minor importance, and the medic who had positioned himself next to her - much to her discomfort - she straightened up and folded one hand behind her back, the other cradling her helmet to her hip. "Hive gangs shouldn't give us much trouble, unless they've fallen to Chaos. I used to be in one, full of spineless cowards who only know how to shoot a bunch of poor people for money. But, different Hive, these guys might actually have some balls." Another smile, then she asked her own questions. "Regarding the search for the renegade, I have to ask, how do you plan to subdue him, if I must hold myself back? More importantly, how will we find him, if we all stay together? Or would you have us divide and look? The words of a few scared guardsmen are hardly much to go off of." Made her wish some Penal Legionnaires were here. Hardly anything scared those guys. Super psyker, just another thing to shoot before they got roasted by a laser. Ah, good times, the Legion.