Poking her head out from the alley, Yuki could see that Flint was getting beaten and had felt bad about it. [i]I should of just picked him up as well and ran away properly.[/i] Regretting her choice slightly, she checked up on the girl. She seemed to be fine. [i]Taking her to my place first because it is closer would be better, and then over to Kiri's to be looked after.[/i] Yuki made a decision. As she was about to pick the girl up, Flint's gun could be heard. Unable to find out where he had run to when she poked her head out, she started to feel for Flint's vibration patterns. Her eyes turned red, and she could sense the vibrations of many people. Pinpointing Flint's location, he was in a connected alleyway, still running for now. Picking up the girl on to her shoulder, Yuki told her, "It's going to be a little rough, but I need to get moving quick, so hold on and brace yourself." Dashing through the alleyways, she saw Flint, sitting down holding his arms. "Sorry Flint, I should of paid more attention to how many people were there." She admitted her carelessness. "I'll get you home as soon as possible. No arguing about how this looks, but sorry if this hurts. It's going to be rough." Picking up Flint, Yuki held both Flint and the girl on her shoulders. The balance was off, so she had to lean over to her right a little, the side the girl was on. Jumping up, by wall kicking the buildings, upon reaching the top, Yuki kicked off from the edge of the wall and the rooftop, and started running across building roof tops. This would help avoid pretty much everyone, and helped make the trip a lot quicker. The amount of force hitting the three from the speed she was running and jumping had some impact to it. She just hoped it didn't hurt Flint too much. After about 6 minutes, she had landed at home. Putting the two down, her eyes returned to their normal color. Banging on the door, "MUM! DAD! QUICK! FLINT AND THIS GIRL ARE HURT!" Her parents came out of the door, seeing the sight, her mum picked up the girl, "I'll look after her, you go help Flint." The father nodded, picking him up. The girl wasn't in too much trouble, she just needed mostly some food and water. Her dad rested Flint onto a bed. Not Flint's bed, but something akin to a hospital bed. Checking up his body, he sighed in relief. "Looks like no serious injuries. Just a couple of broken ribs, and possibly a cracked left radius. The right one seems to be holding up." Getting an IV drip, the dad had some put of Yuki's poison in it to help numb the nerves and a dose of morphine. "For now just get some rest okay?"