Daniel walked the halls of his new school. He held his Katana in his left as he had his duffle bag slung over his right shoulder. The bag had everything he needed for school, clothes, food, video games and consoles. He looked around for his dorm, finally after 10 minutes of looking he found it. He walked in and threw down the bag on his bed. The other side of the room was empty. [i]I guess my roommate isn't here yet.[/i] Daniel thought to him self as he began unpacking his things. The room was a dull blue, almost grey. The eds were soft though and the sir conditioners let out nice cold air. Unlike a lot of the air conditioners at the other schools he had been to. Daniel put his katana on a rack that was on the wall. Daniel loved the katana. It was given to him by his grandpa when he was 8. He carried it everywhere he went, he trained with it almost 24/7. Daniel was 16 now, and he had changed schools 6 times in the past 8 years. Every school he went to wouldn't let him carry around the katana and that was a major issue for Daniel. He never wanted the thing out of his sights. Always in his hands and ready for use if he got free time. The Katana had no hilt. When sheathed it looked like a black stick. The blade shined and shimmered in light. After unpacking Daniel laid down on his bed and looked at his katana. He smiled. "Hopefully this will be a good year." Daniel said to himself with a smile as he drifted off to sleep. [hider=Katana][img=http://i570.photobucket.com/albums/ss142/vastolordeulquiorra/VH/katana_by_skino_zpsde534919.jpg][/hider]