Name: Weisse Feigheit Feder Gender: M Year: 2 Personality: Weisse is skittish and cowardly, always wanting to get things "over with". He talks quickly, moves quickly, eats quickly and thinks quickly. He's also quite generous with his money. In the face of danger, he runs rather than fights and if cornered he gives up. Loves the supernatural, hates suprises. He's also a bit oblivious to peoples emotions and feelings. Bio: Raised in Switzerland as the son of a wealthy banker, Weisse grew up in relative comfort. He had all the food he could eat, all the money he could spend and all the games he could play. But don't think this made him a soft, prissy brat. Weisse was not wasteful or ungrateful, and he certainly wasn't blind to the needs of others. He always donated healthily to charity, gave away hundreds of Francs to beggars and buskers, and was always looking for something to do with his time. He took up fencing, archery, shooting, chess and running. He became highly proficient in the latter, soon able to outrun and outmanouvre boys double his age. All-in-all, he was talented, generous and content. But, at the age of nine, disaster struck. A fatal car accident left him orphaned and alone. [i]Unfortunatly[/i] he had a surviving relative, an older sister who lived in Japan. He was moved into her care until he was allowed to access the accounts at the age of 18. His older sister was spiteful, mean and aggresive, and her two daughters were just the same. From the second Weisse entered the house, he knew he wasn't wanted. Whilst his sister wasn't too bad, keeping her abuse to verbal taunts, her daughters where a nightmare. One of their favourite "games" was to have one pin him down whilst the other smeared him with lipstick, blusher, masscara - all kinds. He quickly became good freinds with the bathroom sink. As you'd expect, he learned to master escape, thinking on his feet. It was his only option, after all. He could hardly fight back. So the now terrified-of-girls Weisse moved up into the Shi Bendo academy, partly for the education and partly to escape his unwelcoming home life. Hobbies: Fencing, archery, shooting and running. Skills/talents: Excellent sabruer and archer, good aim, exceptional speed and stamina, speaks fluent German and Italian. Weaknesses: Slightly nervous around females and make-up, defeatist nature, oblivious, not very strong. Classes: Adv. English, Basic Maths, Basic Science, Biology, Gym, Advanced History, Art Appearance: Pale skin, light blond hair kept fairly short and bright blue eyes. Somewhat androgenous features. One could even go so far as to say he was "pretty"