Listening to her answer of his question, his curiosity grow stronger then his fear. It was quite interesting, he hummed a bit to himself watching her drip underwater before, she swam out and closer to him. he tilted his head as he watched her place her hands on the rock and pull herself up on it. Sitting down on the rock now in front of him. "I've never sat on a rock before." That made Humhum chuckle softly. '' I suppose for both of us this day and storm has given us something we never done before.'' He smiled eyes going to her fishtail that sparkled from the water nearly as it was a shiny stone. He stretched his arm out letting his feather that grow over and along it, letting them move stretch before folding along his arm again. '' Would you mind.... to stay and exchange some questions we both may have still? '' Humhum stated, driven by his curiosity somewhat. '' I would like to hear more about you and your folk Ariel~'' He sung her name with his voice, make it sound even more melodic then it was before. Smiling back at her, just imagining how panicky and scared his family and friends would have been on his place now. They would kill before asking. Who knew, maybe he would have killed with out question asked too,if he didnt wondered what happened before anything. But what ever fate it was that lead him here, he felt glad it did. Glad that he could talk and learn.