Noticing the look on Faris's face, Barst couldn't help but laugh a bit. It was good to see that kind of zeal in a soldier, regardless of whether they fought for coin or country. He couldn't help but look forward to the coming hostilities. Barst lead Faris on until the screaming got close to them, falling back to get a better shooting position. She could fight up front, but he was useless. He didn't even carry a dagger, not that it would do him any good, really. Returning his focus to the alleyway, Barst nocked an arrow in preparation. Several bandits turned the corner into their alleyway, Faris meeting one of their skulls with her blade. The others stopped short, preparing themselves for battle. It seemed they hadn't noticed him yet, instead focusing on Faris. Good. Holding in his breath, Barst lined up a shot and released -FTWAAAANG!- his arrow finding its way into the nearest bandit's throat, spewing blood across the ground and wall of the alley. Releasing the last of his breath and grabbing a new arrow, Barst took a few steps to the side, putting Faris between himself and another bandit. It would do neither of them any good if one of the cravens went straight for the archer.