[hider=Grace Harlot][img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/f9/f2/ad/f9f2ad3b0a44b8a1945cae02177715f9.jpg[/img] First Name: Grace Last Name: Harlot Age: 17 Grade: 11 Personality: Grace is a polite girl who is not afraid to speak her mind. She is very well-mannered with a, sometimes, strange sense of humor. She is also very charming and knows what to say to get what she wants. She may not trust people easily but if you earn her trust you have a loyal friend. She is also very honorable. If she makes a promise then she keeps it no matter what. But, if she doesn't like you then beware of her promises. Because she may promise something but then she may look for a loop-hole in order to get what she wants. So, you do not want her as an enemy. Oh! And you do not want to see her when she is mad. She can curse you out in 4 different languages, excluding English, while sounding so sweet you would never see it coming. She also may seem emotionless at times but if you get to know her you'll be able to see the amazing person she really is. Bio: She doesn't really talk about her past, it was a long time ago. She might tell you in the rp. Type: Vampire Power: Just the powers every vampire has. Theme Song: [youtube]H7zCEpWt-3U[/youtube] Other: She has major family issues. So, don't ask her about them.[/hider]