[center][b]Here is Daniel[/b][/center] Name: Daniel Quinn Gender: Male Year: 1 Appearance: [img=https://38.media.tumblr.com/450a8aa9fa4b1d9bac02c00ce6470c11/tumblr_natovrG8eU1th0dnho1_400.png] (Sorry if this is from an anime, i really like this picture though) Bio: Daniel is an only child. He grew up with parents that worked all the time so he didn’t get to see them much. So, his grandpa began taking care of him. Daniel spent almost every night out of year at his grandpa’s house. At the age of 6 Daniel’s parents tried to have another kid and failed. This caused Daniel’s mother to quit her job and stay home. But, Daniel didn’t go to live at home again, he stayed with his grandpa. At the age of 8 he received a Katana from his grandpa. He began carrying it around everywhere. School, shopping, fishing and anywhere else you can think of. The only times he didn’t have it was when he was asleep. When he was asleep it sat on it’s rack. At the age of 10 Daniel’s parents ran away, they didn’t tell Daniel goodbye or anything. Just up and left. Daniel wasn’t upset all too much. Mainly because his grandpa was like his dad and he didn’t need anybody else. So, at the age of 16 he is now enrolled at Shi Bendo academy and ready for a great year. Personality: Daniel is quite to strangers but opens up really quickly. He loves making friends and almost always has a smile on his face. Hobbies: Video games, practicing with his Katana, sleep and hanging out with friends. Talents: singing, can speak latin, can play the electric bass. Classes: Advanced English, study hall, adept science, biology, history,Criminal justice, advanced math.