Weisse's soft steps echoed through the halls. "[i]This place is terryfing[/i]" he whispered to himself as he struggled to make out the tiny map in front of him. The lights were awful, and it was a struggle just to see in front of him. Of course, two big duffle bags and a rucksack filled to bursting rarely helps mobility and on the Swiss boy's tiny frame they were even more restrictive than on a normal person. But every pound of it was necessary - clothes, books, Albione, entertainment of all shapes and colors. Not a single article could be left in the hands of his vindictive family. After about half an hour of stumbling about, he finally made it to his dorm. The door creaked open, giving way to a lighter room, if a litle dull. Still somewhat edgy, he entered, taking in the simple colors and cool air. Wait, cool? [i]The air-con's on! Someone's already in here![/i] Cursing his luck, Weisse prayed the noise hadn't disturbed his roomate. One bed was empty, but the other had the unmistakble lump of a body under the sheets. It should've been obvious. No school would dare put a sword, a real sword, on a rack for decaration and the presence of a duffle bag, not unlike his own, is rare in unoccupied dorms. [i]Scheisse, Scheisse, SCHEISSE[/i] "[i]Mi dispiace, amico[/i] if I have awoken you" he whispered, just loud enough for the other boy to hear if he was awake but quiet enough so it wouldn't wake him if he was asleep. "I'll be as quiet as I can" Placing his bags down, Weisse decided that unpacking could wait until tomorrow. He changed out the bag from his travelling stuff into his night-clothes, brushed his teeth and lay down in bed. Sleep seemed far away. [hider=Albione][img=http://www.coldsteel-uk.com/store/chinese-sword-breaker-88csb-full-1.jpg][/hider]