As the sword began to grumble and whispering "Kill" Repeatidly, Tikky had had enough. She took a sharp turn to the side, to an old oak tree, and then stopped, making a blunt landing on the tree. She tore the belt holding the sheath ,and then threw the sword onto a branch, letting it dangle freely and then hissed "Ya know what? If you don't pipe it down, ill make sure to hide you in the deepest chasm. Or even better. In a lake, at the bottom of it, just to make sure you will NEVER be found. I know, "She said and acted all sad and heartbroken "That parting will you, a well smithed sword, will be tragic and unfortunate, but" she said and lifted her arms up while wandering casually back and forth on the branch "i guess it cant be helped. ". She then pulled the strap over her shoulder again and flew back on path right as Thrak came from around a tree. "Youre off the path already, lost your way?. Is there any brain left in you? Did your mommy drop you from your nest when you were a baby?" he mocked her and Tikki growled back. "For someone as old as you, youre certantly acting like a child!" . She flew higher into the treetops and soon there was more netixels around. They had reached the headquarters, and after flying past a few dark tree-based-cottages connected by rope and plank bridges, she reached the main circle. "Tikki!" A strong and angry voice called. It was her father and she knew she was in trouble already. "Father.." she pleaded as she landed, "Im basically an adult, why do you insist on sending these clowns" she nodded at Thrak, Kuril and the guy she couldnt remember the name of "after me?" "Tikki. The leaders here find that you are different. They are growing tired of your wrecklessness and worried of your behaviour. Youre turning more agressive and you dont know your place, and soon I wont be able to defend you or send guardians after you." "I dont /NEED/ guardians. I need traning in weponry, not FISHING. " she groaned. "And I want to LEARN things. Why cant we socialize?" "Yeah, why not? because people are weak. We aren't suposed to make friends with our enemies, let alone humans. But hey, go along, and socialize all you want. Youre getting kicked out soon enough" Thrak said and bared teeth. "Thrak! learn your place!" Tikkis father said hisvoice booming out over the treetops. "Or what, old man? You're going to show us our place? Are you going to diciplin us like you diciplinned your pathetic excuse of a daughter?" he said now baring teeth at the man, and drawing his weapons, twin swords. "Stop i right now!!" Tikki growled and stood inbetween her father and Thrak, who was now being backed up by Kurîl and the big guy. She was clenshing the sword, prepared for any sign of attack. "Awww, how cute, the baby wants to protect the ancient one. What a shame that itll be a slaughter." By now the whole clan was crowding around the sceen. The leader, tikkis father, had been challanged, and there for a new ranking would be made. Whoever won the fight would be the new leader. "Shame its going to be YOUR slaughter" Tikki said and then pulled the enchanted sword out thinking angirly to it "You better work fuckin magic."