Luca pushed through the wooden that separated the Bunkhouse from the outside, the hinges of the wooden door must have rusted some, because the resistance and squeaking were something that needed to be fixed. Luca ignored the poor condition of the bunkhouse and proceeded to walk in, making a B-line for the bunk bed which he dropped his gear off at earlier. The bunk beds that were scattered through out the bunkhouse were in less than good condition, most of them having loose screws. The beds that came with the bunk beds were thin. Luca raised his bag up and onto the bed. He unzipped one of the 4 zippers that were spaced around his pack, it was the largest zipper on his bag that lead to the largest pocket. In the pocket Luca found he comfortable shoes and clothes, the ones that he had brought from home. He placed them on the single shelf that was provided for them then continued to unpack some of his things. He packed a toothbrush, toothpaste, a towel, and a novelty razor. The shelf wasn't that large but it was enough to hold all of Luca's things, except for his shoes which he placed under his bunk. Luca sat down on the thin mattress that occupied the entire surface of his bunk, he took note that the mattress wasn't very comfortable. Pressing down in some spots and bouncing on it to test it more or less. Luca removed the knee high army boots that were given to him and irresponsibly tossed them to his side, letting them flop over each other on the ground close to his bunk. He laid down on his bunk and put his scrawny arms behind his head, resting on his pillow as he waited for the dinner reminder to ring. It felt like time was standing still while Luca laid there, the only reminder that the day was still moving on was the repetitive ticking of the clock that hung above the exit door at the back of the bunkhouse. Luca closed his eye and tried to ignore the noises of all the other recruits that were getting comfortable in their bunks and were still coming into the barracks.