[quote=Dipper]NO. DO NOT CALM DOWN! THIS WITCH AND HER MONGOLOID HORDES OF SJWS HAVE DONE THE UNFORGIVABLE! I'm not joking when I say that Zoe and Phil, and all the other SJW fuckers need to be completly and utterly destroyed. Spread the word to everywhere you can, man. LET IT BE KNOWN THAT SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS AMD THEIR ILK HAVE SABOTAGED A CHARITY DESIGNED TO GET WOMEN INTO GAMING AND HELP CURE CHRONIC BUTTHURT DISEASE (Colon Cancer) BECAUSE THEY FELT LIKE IT.[/quote] I am discussing it in other places too... It crosses a serious line with me when people start shutting down charities. [quote=Dynamo Frokane]Personally, I couldn't give a crap about a barely relevant game developer sleeping with other barely relevant game writers and reviewers. BUT 1.This has nothing to do with feminism, she is just another example of most pseudo intellectual young people of this generation, a self righteous, dishonest hypocrite, there are many who are guilty of it. 2. I do feel a large percentage of her defenders either want to sleep with her or secretly practice the same behaviour, the insecurities are glaring.[/quote] 1. Feminism has been quick to move to Zoe Quinns defense, it's been adopted by them as a feminist issue. 2. Basically White Knights? :P But the main issue here is not her sexual habits, I couldn't care less how many guys she sleeps with as long as no one is getting hurt. What matters is that she used the sex so Journalist would be dishonest and give her game high ratings, hurting game journalism as a whole.