[u]Zimnis[/u] A new town, at the eve of an old day. The very reason he chose this journey, the beginning of an understanding of adventure, the first amazing sight since the endless blue of sea, finally within reach! Zimnis, giddy with excitement, nearly tripped over his own leg as he ran off of the St. Christopher, eager to explore the new town. With two hops and one great leap, the thick-bearded gnome broke free of his water-locked prison and returned to sweet land - right in the unpleasantly warm backside of a busy labourer heaving a rather heavy burden. [i]"Oh, pardon, I seem to have tripped,"[/i] the gnome mumbled, hastily shuffling away from the labourer, hot with embarrassment and barely able to stay upright, even with the support of his stave. After a few seconds, the gnome recovered his composure and giggled happily to himself as he reached the cold, cobbled road. It was not quite dusk, however the fog and the sea spray combined to cool off the cobbled stones quite well. Zimnis knew this immediately upon reaching the road, for he spent a long moment kissing two of the well-set stones fervently, gracious to be off the water. Looking back to the rag-tag group of sentient creatures who shared his interest, Zimnis wiped a tear from his eye and commented, [i]"Tis' not till you lose something that you realize how important it is!"[/i] He then kissed the rock once more and rose to his feet, his stout stave clonking against the well-adored rock as he looked ahead, towards three distinguishable buildings. Immediately, he could identify the building which most resounded with his interests and life-long goals. Only one of the three buildings could possibly quench the overwhelming desire for land and freedom which had been so long withheld from him. [i]"There won't be enough ale' in all the kingdom to cap ma' gullet!"[/i] roared the gnome, a wide grin stretched across his face as he set off towards the Inn. ---------------------------------------------- [u]Grommak[/u] As he stepped off the boat, Grommak considered each of the noteworthy structures within sight. Seeing that the store was likely closed, he opted to join Zimnis at the Inn, the one locale that was likely of any use at this hour. As he wandered over however, a human hurriedly bumped into him as he was running by. The meagre commoner grew pale at the sight of an orc towering over him and began apologizing profusely. Grommak simply checked his pockets and moved on. ---------------------------- [u]Haiean [/u] Haiean followed the others away from the ship, his body covered by the brown cloak he had ‘obtained’ minutes before boarding the St Christopher. He was going to follow the others to wherever they were going, but as he noted how both Zimnis and Grommak bumped into someone he stopped to search for another person to do the same, ready to collide with them the moment he found someone suitable. He was unsuccessful and wondered what was the point of this behaviour but dismissed it as just another oddity of this place. After all, he was told this land was full of adventures, whatever those were, with wealth being given to him by people of their own accord. So what was a little strangeness, compared to that? Whilst he moved after the others, Haiean looked at the sky and smiled, or the closest he was physically capable off. Soon it would be night, the perfect time to obtain more things. He noticed the buildings near and, while he wanted to lay his hands on the things that were being transported and on those inside the blue painted building, he continued towards the ‘Red Dwarf’, conscious of the menacing tower near. After Zimnis deposited his lips a few times on some rocks and commented about his loss, Haiaen noted that the gnome was the only one to do so. He knelt near the stones and touched one of them a few times with the long nail off his index finger before he stood up and turned towards one of his companions, with luck one that was close enough to listen. [i]“I don’t understand.”[/i] He said, his voice continuously hoarse. Haiaen was accustomed to be unaware off the reason most things happened around him, and of the things he knew, being unable to explain the reason he knew so. But that didn’t meant he was willing to ignore them now that he had companions he could ask about them. [i]“Why did he abandon the rocks he had lost?” [/i] ------------------------------------------- [u]Lindir[/u] When Lindir had gone upon the boat named St Christopher he was not really sure what to expect being his first time in the lands of the "common folk" as his people referred them as. And frankly he was quite apaulled by the sight, smell and the people on the boat. He thought the harbour he had entered first was bad, living on that boat for an extended period of time was not something he was eager to do again. It was dark, grimy, wet, cold and the smell of people not having cleaned themselves for days were burning in his nose. Even more strange was a few more notable people that he had noticed on the boat that seemed to be going the same way that he was. The gnome first of all reminded him slightly about the familiars or fairies that he had came to know in his homeland. At first he had payed little attention and even ignored him if he was approached. His overly happy and friendly attitude was almost a bit to much to be considered sane in Lindirs own opinion. But immediately he could recognize a fellow mage and even tho his puppetry did little to impress, Lindir was a bit curious about this little beings magical prowess. Eventually he would have one or two conversations with him if the gnome was persistent in wanting to converse with him but Lindir always kept an observant eye on the figure. Then there was the big green beast that he first thought was either a captive or a barbarian wanting to kill them all. Never did he think an orc such as him could be an adventurer let alone be in the presence of humans without starting a riot. Lots of questions came to mind about this individual but mainly what he was doing alone on a boat like this as to Lindir knowledge orcs prefers to stay among their own. Lindir would stay away for the most part and keep an eye on him but did not go out of his way to avoid the beast. Later he found out the creature actually had a name from perhaps a discussion with the gnome or maybe he overheard someone else speak with him. He did at least seem civilized enough but the stench and the rather unpleasant appearance usually kept Lindir at bay. Then there was the third, dark and mysterious figure. Constantly cloaked and hidden from sight Lindir felt there was something amiss with this person. Maybe a theif or a beggar that had sneaked up on the boat hoping nobody would notice perhaps, he thought at first. But the more he would study him if from afar Lindirs keen eyes could perhaps pick up on more things he found peculiar. He would sometimes approach the person tho not directly and he was sure to stay just outside a swords range from the person but that was as close as he would get. The smell was the first that struck him, he thought the orc was bad this was like something had crawled up and died under that cloak of his, quite literally. His curiosity was not enough to get him closer than that however but he would study him more than the others as he felt there was just something not right. When it was decided that the four of them were to travel together Lindir was very, very skeptical... To travel around with the three most strange people he had met so far was not something he would accept very easily. But perhaps through a very long and annoying discussion with the gnome, maybe the feeling he had when he decided to spontaneously jump on this boat in the first place or perhaps through divine intervention... The proud elf would end up accepting to tag along, if only for a brief period of time. Then as the boat finally reached its destination Lindir was last to step off the boat among the group. His clothes surprisingly clean without a single spec of dirt on it and he would smell like the forest island he came from. Having made sure to stay clean during his trip. With his glowing jewelry, the green strands of light that gleam on his clothing and the highlights in his hair, small firefly like orbs of light dancing around him, appearing and disappearing his grace and elegance would surely draw attention of many. The ease and grace of his steps down to the docks would make it seem he was floating just above the ground and with his slightly gleaming eyes and his calm aura one could almost think he was a magical being and not just an elven mage. Holding his back straight and his chin high he would observe his three new companions walk ahead of him and sighed quietly to himself when both the gnome and the orc would bump in to the people passing them by. Looking at the Zimnis with an distasteful expression seeing the gnome kissing the ground he would not mind much for what he said. But instead hoped that he would not catch something in fear of getting the same thing by being in his company. [i]"I really hope there is a better inn around here...This place looks...Inhabitable..."[/i] He spoke more or less to himself as Zimnis rushed away towards the Red dwarf inn. The harbor was not much better than the one before and he longed for the opportunity to leave this town. None the less he still followed the orc and the gnome towards the inn where he would stop beside his third companion, who was now kneeling down and tapping at the stones the gnome had just cherished. Hearing Heiaens voice for the first time he would look down on him with a very analysing expression. Not answering his question but instead looking down at his hand touching the rock. [b] (Rolls with Perception) (Gets a 3) (Rolls with Knowledge) (Gets a 6) The hand was only seen for a moment, but from the few seconds Lindir had seen it, he noticed the fingers looked unhealthy, maybe even slightly blackened, as if the cloaked figure had gangrene or some other disease. The figure seemed sickly, from the slightly gritty way he talked, to the odd way he seemed to move, as if he did not have full control over certain body parts. His breathing seemed forced, as if he truly didn’t even need to breath as much as he did. Lindir remembers reading books with such injuries, and he could tell that the man should be dead, and that powerful magic was keeping him alive. He wasn’t certain how it could be possible, but as this was all speculation. He decided to get back to it on a later date but kep his eye on the odd, sickly fellow.[/b] [i]"...That is a question you have to ask our tiny friend..."[/i] He then responded as he would then pass him and head towards the inn once more. Being now even more curious to their cloaked friends origin --------------------------------------------- [img=http://www.ambient-mixer.com/images_template/e/3/f/e3fc254d8d9137aa506bd5c3572d98f6_full.jpg] [i]Elan: Next, we go to the tavern. Roy: Why? I need adventurers, not a drink. Well, not JUST a drink. Elan: That's where adventurers are hired, silly! Roy: Why? It's not like they're looking for jobs on the wait staff. Elan: I dunno, it's just tradition.[/I] — The Order of the Stick: On the Origins of PCs [b]The Tavern[/b] As the adventurers walk into the tavern they are hit by a wave of warmth, light and noise. Despite the night barely beginning the place was already filling in. Most of the patrons where human but a dwarf or gnome could be seen here and there. A band bearing a manner of instruments played in one of the corners as the bar maid delicately swooped about delivering drinks and food to other patrons. The atmosphere of the place seemed alive with conversation but the music and banter where quiet enough to talk to someone if you where close. The bartender moved behind the bar. Serving drinks from a fancy tap made of some kind of bone as he chattered with the many familiars. Behind the bartender a menu is painted onto a large block of wood. On the wood is written: [i]Menu - Drinks- Water -1 gold Stout - 1 gold. Ale– 2 gold. Mead– 2 gold Liquid star whiskey (Tavern Special) - 3 gold. Food- Meat pie – 2 gold Bread – 1 gold Fresh apple – 1 gold Ham slices with gravy and vegetables. – 3 gold [/i] [b]What will you do?[/b]