Octavius was feeling quite confident that his escape was assured now. All he had to do was wait until nightfall, and then make his way out of the city. It would be easy enough, and no one would be the wiser. He was even almost comfortable in this pile of rags. Apparently, he had missed a memo, though. Or something of the sort. That, or Ceres had. It seemed he wasn't allowed to wait comfortably. He had just been settling in to a nap when he was suddenly soaked in something cold, the whole pile drenched by the descent of what was apparently his new friend Ceres. It wasn't so bad, when he realized it was water, but he had no desire to be friends with this woman any longer. She had some words to say about his escape, it seemed, and he laughed in her face, entirely unafraid. "You can't intimidate me, for one. What are you going to do, kill me?" the pirate laughed some more and shook his head, clearly unafraid of death. "I'm not going to say I [i]tried[/i] to ditch you, as that is not entirely true. But I will admit to paying little attention toward how you managed your own escape." he shrugged, obviously convinced that he shouldn't have to drag her along like a child. She was a grown woman with her own magical powers, after all. "We didn't shake hands, so I don't see why I should have to carry you. And I'm still a real captain, just so you're aware, and I'm still great. Never stopped, even." He was clearly disappointed by Ceres' comments, and he got up quite suddenly, looking down at his newly-soaked clothes. "Thanks for fucking up my hiding spot, that was really good of you." he added, getting up. He wasn't going to bother trying to deal with laying about in wet, cold rags for several hours. He would be better off finding somewhere else to go. Ideally it would be some place quiet, and one that served alcohol. It didn't seem like the best plan at the moment, though. The notorious Captain Cuttlam had just escaped, the marines were not going to just let him get away. The last thing they needed was a veteran pirate on the loose, gathering his old crew and hitting the open sea once more. Indeed, these men were so determined to catch him that a whole half-dozen stormed the alley. Octavius' immediate reaction was to flip them teh bird and take off running in the other direction. If Ceres was smart, she would just stay hidden, but he couldn't tell what level of intelligence that girl managed to uphold. And then she was also pretty dedicated to the deal she was convinced they had made, despite the fact that they still hadn't shaken hands. He had issues with that. But maybe she would just go away if he spent enough time escaping...