Name: Ryu Kazuki Gender: Male Year: 2 Appearance (picture is preferred): [hider=Appearance] [img=][/hider] Bio: Ryu had always lived with his mother, and continues to this day. Always getting good grades, and never getting into trouble. He never knew his father, leaving his mother as soon as he was born. His mother had always cared for him and loved for him, but always telling Ryu that his father was a great man. One day when Ryu was only 6 he was snooping around in his mothers room, where he found her diary. Reading most of it untill he got to the date of his birth. Learning all about his father leaving his family, he soon swore that he wouldn't burden his mother, or anyone around him close to him ever again. Later on that year, Ryu picked up on sports. Although he tried at most sports, and was generally decent at them, he always loved to play basketball. One day during a game, he was going in for a easy layup when out of no where, someone came up and hit him in mid air. Landing on his leg awkwardly he tore his ACL. Never regaining confidence after that day, he quit basketball and worked on his studies there on out. His leg sometimes bothers him, taking medicine for it generally to easy the pain. He transferred over to Shi Bendo to get his mind off basketball and on his studies even more. Personality: Ryu is a shy person. Usually keeping to himself on matters, he rarely speaks unless spoken too. Although he is quiet, he loves to help people around him and cares for the people close to him. Always trying his best to make sure his friends and family are taken care of and happy. Always helping out is his motive in life, and won't stop until things are set right. He loves to make friends, but always has a hard time to make them due to his shy nature. Hobbies: Helping people out, Drawing Talents: Drawing, Sports Classes: Advanced English Advanced Math Biology Chemistry Gym