[Hider=Lucinda, WIP]Name: Lucinda Greyson Age: 27 Appearance: [IMG=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/1c42984b95bcee0a44c7154625388395/http://i661.photobucket.com/albums/uu332/Dekka_LuV/Chicks%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20Cus%20We%20Love%20Em/eba678167a5aeb52b5ae1de-2.jpg] History: Lucinda was born into a large family, being the only girl out of four older brothers. Her brothers were all she truly had, even more so after her mother died of a ‘drug overdose’. That hadn’t been how she really died though. Her ‘father’, a lying, abusive, cheating man who she despised, had drugged her dinner when she wasn’t looking. He had grown tired of her. This man was the reason she refused to trust people, her brothers being the only exception. With her mother out of the way he began to take his anger out on Lucinda, when her brothers weren’t there to step up for her. If the four of them happened to get home late or go out at night the girl would worry she wouldn’t live to see the next day. She was getting tired of her father though and one day, when he decided to take his drunken anger out on her she turned on him with a fury much more volcanic. Her neighbors heard her screaming at him and called the police and thus the man was carted away out of her life. After that she lived with her brothers, two of which were already through college and had careers ahead of them. In the end she graduated school, then college, and has been currently trying to find a job. She still lives with her eldest brother who is a Marine in reserves. Personality: Lucinda is usually a quiet individual, until things stop going her way. She’s never been one to trust another human being, usually avoiding any sort of relationship. Due to this she’s normally seen as an outcast, an overly paranoid being. Soul Tendency: Grey Sin Tendency: Envy Strength: Stat- Agility Mental- Cunning Weakness: Paranoid, Uncontrollable temper, impatient, Control freak, easily depressed, untrusting. Powers: (unavailable at the moment.) Equipment: Pair of pocket knives, baseball bat, pistol, bullets, small first aid kit, food/water, and a wad of cash. [/Hider] Sorry it isn't finished yet, I'll try working on the last bit soon.