[hider=Appearence][img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/229/6/7/madison_by_emilysoto-d7vm1ie.jpg[/img][/hider] [center][b]Name:[/b] Triss Merrill [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Height:[/b] 5' [b]Weight:[/b] 112 lb [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Caucasian [b]Build:[/b] Triss has a slim build, giving her a small frame. She often appears quite a bit smaller then others. [b]Personality:[/b] Triss is a very weak person. She wasn't always like this, but has changed greatly due to the trauma she has endured on Earth. She is a meek ans nervous person, shying away from others and often fearing strangers, especially those she finds scary. It is easy for her to become attached to those she is close to and thinks can protect her. She can often be submissive and caves in under those with stronger will then her. The things she fears most is being kidnapped and separated from those she is close to. Despite her meek personality, Triss is very smart. She is well learned and well read, and has become well versed in the mechanical workings of Byzantium City and how it keeps afloat. If the apocalypse on Earth never happened, she would likely be a very successful person. She is also a survivor. Having only recently been rescued from Earth, she knows how to take care of herself better then it may appear. She is not physically strong but is quick and can use weapons. She knows how to take care of herself, although she may fear having to do so. Among those she considers friends, she can open up a bit more, but even in their company quickly becomes a recluse when they join others. She may even be prone to cracking a joke in the right situation. She finds difficulty in saying no, and is not prone to sharing her ideas with a group is a decision needs to be made, even if she feels she is right. Above all Triss merely seeks to be among those she trusts and those she thinks can protect her. [b]Job:[/b] Triss is one of the many engineers that keeps the city in working order. She has a brilliant mind for repairing and creating technology. [b]Residency:[/b] Residential Sector [b]History:[/b] To most the wasteland back on Earth was an awful place. To Triss, it was a living hell. Triss was once a normal girl, but what she experienced on Earth shaped her into the timid person today. She has learned to fear others, because Humans are awful people. Triss was always weak, but when the apocalypse happened she learned just how weak she was. When everything went to hell she and her family joined a group of survivors. It was her parents and her younger sister. For a while everything seemed alright. Life was hard, and they had to scavenge for food, but they kept away from others and learned how to survive. It seemed safe in the small community they created. They lived peacefully, and for a while everything was okay. But soon Triss learned that there could be no peace as long as they stayed on Earth. Her community may have lived peacefully, but as society collapsed, there were those who sought to enjoy the chaos. Those who wished to exploit others and do as they please. Kill, rape, steal, it didn't matter to them. Anything to break free from the society they once lived in. They dabbled with exotic drugs that warped their minds and their bodies. They were crazed and violent. One such group found Triss's community. They were, of course, hostile and attacked them. It was a bloodbath. Almost everyone who Triss knew was killed. By what seemed to be a stroke of luck Triss was not killed in the initial fighting, but Triss never counted herself as lucky. The drug addled gang of murders took Triss as a prize. They took the heads of her family and friends as prizes too. The gangs hideout was a hellish place. An old military complex filled with prisoners like her. Most rooms were covered in blood, and a cacophony of screams would keep Triss up most nights. They had a room dedicated to displaying the other prizes they kept- the heads of those they killed. The things that happened to Triss there were unspeakable. It was truly the definition of hell, and this is the place where Triss learned the truth: Humans are awful. The gang that kept her was very large, numbering in the hundreds. It was only natural that many other groups were overpowered, and people like her constantly came in. However this was a mistake on the gangs part. As more and more groups were killed, and more captives taken, they slowly began to outnumber their captors. Eventually, through sheer force of numbers many escaped. It was hard for an untrained gang to keep a hold of that many people, especially in their drug addled state. Triss eventually slipped out too, but she was permanently changed. She spent the next several days wandering the wasteland, avoiding others, constantly hungry and thirsty. She barely lived, and almost like a mirage in the desert a building appeared before her. It was almost unscathed in the wasteland. Triss found her salvation in one of the many Byzantium outposts. She managed to pass the psych test to enter, she got the cybernetic implants, and she was taken to the city high above the wasteland that was Earth. It was like a dream. She never thought she would escape Earth, but she ended up in an unimaginable paradise. Triss was always smart, but in Byzantium she sought to learn more. She learned how the city works. She learned how it kept afloat. She learned how to repair the many mechanisms that operated it. She was assigned as an engineer. She escaped hell. She now lives a happy life, but in the end, how long can it last? [/center]