[quote=XecutionerRex] May I ask how large the camp would be and what the terrain is like? This come into play in the role play ex. someone escapes the camp ground with the murderer on pursuit.If it hasn't been decided I think it would be nice for it to be nestled in a mountainous region, with a clear lake nearby. The Rockies would be great. Though, to be honest, I'm not sure if camps are ever that far out in the middle of nowhere. Any input on this? [/quote] I have not put too much thought into that, actually. But I would rather a woods/forest-y area over a mountainous one. There's no particular reason for it, it's just how I imagined it when I originally thought of the concept. As for the size, I'm not good with sizes by actual unites (you know, like acres or square feet, etc.), so I'll just use general terms. This camp would be decently large, like it takes maybe... 15 min to run from one end to another? I'm sorry, I'm really bad at this. Even trying to use general terms isn't working. The camp that I was in definitely felt like the middle of nowhere. It was in an extremely small town - population 291 - and it took a while to actually get [i]into[/i] the town. What I was imagining was that there would be a camp a few hours away from the closest town by car. I have no idea if there's a camp in the Rockies. As stated before, I have little to no knowledge about summer camps besides the language immersion camps that I worked at. It's plausible though, and not a bad idea.