[quote=Genkai] Psych major? Nice, that was a pretty popular one not too long ago, though I think it always has its charm. Your character is approved! Just add the location of where she was born please. And you're approved, I'll add you to the first post once I see they weren't born in a dumpster outside of the Sears parking lot. XD[/quote] Oh... so... no prom night dumpster babies allowed? Well, there goes that idea. I guess Toronto's the next closest thing. My CS has been edited. And trust me when I say that studying Psychology is always a great idea in the beginning. By this point, I just want it to be over and done with so I can accept my fate as everyone's favorite broken-down barista. Or shell out another ten thousand dollars to brag about my Master's Degree while making your decaf venti sugar-free vanilla soy extra hot no foam one splenda latte. At least I'll be able to analyze, pinpoint and diagnose my depression. So I guess it's a win-win? PS Your signature, doe... all the feels, man. All the feels, all over.