Alister stepped forward and looked back at his...well he wasn't sure what to call him. He had wanted to beat him in the face after he had came too and then he was grateful for his life being saved but then again he wanted to beat him in his face once again. The boy had no respect and no sense of knightly honor and from what Alister could tell this order was kind of knightly. "Excuse the interruption everyone I do apologize for it but it seems that my presence is something special but I don't see how." Alister remembered his home world and the ones from before but for some reason he had heard names that he had never heard before and other terms that he wasn't familiar with. "My name is Alister and I am an apprentice knight from Avalon..." He hung his head as he mentioned his world "...that was swallowed by darkness." He raised his hand and summoned the keyblade that he received from a voice that he heard as he fell earlier. "This was given to me as a weapon to help you I think. It is called Umbra Lux though I am not sure why." He dispersed his keyblade and left out the part about how the voice told him that his world might not return to the realm of the light but that he should never give in to darkness. "I wish to be of service to whoever is in charge and speak to him or her privately once this meeting has been concluded." Alister stepped back and settled himself out of the way so that the meeting could commence.