[hider=Playable Races]VAMPIRES: Elusive creatures of the night, vampires have very little resistance to sunlight, so most carry around a parasol or wear a hat outdoors during the day. They drink blood for nourishment and human food tends to taste bland. Their two (or less) additional powers are usually in someway related to their personality. When a vampire is turned, he/she automatically gets enhanced speed, strength, and senses. The powers come in a wide range of varieties, from metal manipulation to mind reading. Examples include telekinesis, healing, anything elemental, teleportation, clairvoyance, etc. their powers have varying degrees of strength, and the older he vampire, the more powerful. Vampires are weakened by garlic and silver, though the only ways to kill them are prolonged garlic/silver exposure and by either staking them in the heart or beheading them. If a vampire bites you, you either can survive if their fangs don't remain in contact for too long. Otherwise, you either die or turn into a vampire. Vampires cannot step foot into a church of any sort. Avg lifespan: 300-400 years THRALLS: The slaves of vampires, they are made when a vampire turns them and etches a bondage rune on the inside of victim's left forearm with the vampire's own blood. They have to obey any direct orders from their maker, no questions asked, though experienced thralls can always find loopholes. Thralls possess the same qualities as vampires (including the powers, though they tend to be weaker than those of a full fledged vamp) other than the fact their blood still smells and tastes like human blood. Avg lifespan: 150-200 yrs HUNTERS: usually, the role of hunter is hereditary. If your grandfather was a hunter, your father was a hunter, and you are a hunter (the same goes for women too). The Kingsleys are the current leaders of any English hunters, and The matriarch has final say (the leader of the hunters is determined by the council of elders, who reside farther out in the countryside). The Kingsleys will be NPCs unless someone wants to rp as them, which is fine-first come first serve. Typical weaponry include silver daggers, crossbows, stakes, and vials of water with bulbs of garlic in them. Crosses and holy oil also can harm vampires. Hunters usually live in the village, with hunters fm abroad staying at the manor in the mysterious basement. Hunters usually are unemployed, besides the village pastor who WILL be a hunter. Avg lifespan: 30-45 yrs HUMANS: Pretty much self explanatory. As far as technology, this rp takes place in the late 1800s, specifically 1879. Humans can have pretty much any job, from a cook at the manor to a seamstress with a small cottage near the woods. Avg lifespan: 40-50 yrs[/hider]