More extra info In the center of the village is a town square with stone benches and pink daisies. The rp will start in November, so it's cold and maybe snowy. The shops are: bakery, pub, inn, tailor, bookstore, post office, and anything else you want to add in-those are located around the town square. There is a graveyard by the woods behind the pub, it is to the right of the worn oath that brings you to Kingsley Manor. The marketplace for fresh produce is to the south, with cottages and housing mostly in between the town square/shops and marketplace. There are 2 wells; one by the marketplace, one by the woods. The village has dirt paths that serve as streets everywhere besides the town square, which has cobblestone streets. the vamps of the ispwich world are very territorial and stuff, they kinda regard different places that they 'control' their land, and the humans living there as 'belonging' to them (meaning they're the only vamps who can feed from them). Vampires can fight amongst themselves for control of a particular area, which is why london vamps stick with london vamps, paris vamps stick with paris vamps, etc. they usually have loyalty to the the regional leader(s) of the area, or the vamps who were there first [hider=CHARACTERS AND NPCS]CHARACTERS AND NPCS: Vamps: Ray (OC, DreamMaster58), Mithias Varomere (OC, Wraithblade6), Lorelai Von Bach (OC, HikikomoriMoxy), Greta Vasquez (OC, ayzrules), Stella Havisham (NPC, ayzrules), Pierce and Vanessa Cline (NPC, Whirlwind), James Weatherford (NPC, Whirlwind) Thralls: Humans: Caroline Burke (OC, ayzrules), Evelyn de Winters (OC, Whirlwind), John Carpenter (NPC, ayzrules), Claire Flare (OC, AngelBites15), Ledge Jacobs (OC, supertinyking) Hunters: Alexander Moriaty (OC, ayzrules), Delilah Kingsley (OC, dizzydisowned) (These are at the start of the RP, not taking any soon to be turned vamps/thralls into account) [/hider]