[quote=Bunnita] Caught in the Riddle! Hiiiiiiiiiiii~~!!!Urms... not yet. But I will. She's gunna be lots different too^^ Oh, and I just like finished Genie's background (sorta) and like I still gotsta finish all those relations charts too >,<~!And lurverly charries!!! Yay!...except Demon God from the beginning of time up ^there!!!! @@ Whudufurks, MasterJaster! No really DUFURKS?! Does it live in the Carnival? Ewww... O,O! Ohhhh... or is it the big baddy bad up against us? Huh? Huh? HUH? Is it! Is it! IS IT?!?!? Readings of COSMIC IMPORTANCE!!! Yer breakin muh furkin' bunny brains over here!!!!! GAAAAHHH -dies- x,x!xDDDDNo for serious now... Big Daddy God Demon seems really powerful and all too much soul-manipulating like... is he a bad guy rival type against Mr. Seil? [/quote] He won't be involved with the circus at any point (hence the lack of all circus related CS subsections) and you guys will probably never see him unless Cindy likes and wants to use him for something. I would love for Seil to know of/possibly been acquainted with him at one point in time, but again that's all up to Cindy. I made him to be the primary antagonizing figure for Llewelyn's arc. I also just removed the character ability to encase the souls of those who the husks interact with. That power was beside the point of the character's entire concept, so I thank you for pointing it out to me. Also, I'll go through and clarify this myself in the actual CS' at some point in the future, by "mortals" I was referring to beings who are human, or at least were, since that's what they're listed as in the bestiary. I was planning on limiting it to anyone born on E-arth who has a finite lifespan.