Weisse nearly jumped out of his skin. He had not been expecting such a response, especially not in such a friendly manner. It was a rare and refreshing change. "Erm... [i]Konnichiwa[/i], Daniel. I'm Weisse. Well, Weisse Feigheit Feder. But please just call me Weisse." He studied the other boy carefully. Black hair, decent build, skin not quite as light as his own and, even to him, quite handsome features. He was a sharp contrast to his own fair, scrawny, feminine self. [i]Do I shake his hand? What do I say? What do I do?[/i] Weisse looked for something distnguishing about the boy's personality, first on him, then in the room. His eyes caught a glimpse of the sword again and put two and two together. "That's a nice blade you have there. Is it a normal Katana or a Dai-Katana?" [i]Well, at least we have something in common.[/i]