"No, I would respect a strangers privacy until I had met them" Shakuntala said, "I wouldn't go snooping until I at least had a name" She said, in a tone that was clearly as if she was explaining two plus two to a kid. So far, Shakuntala wished she had another room mate. Her brothers had been annoying at times, but they had always respected her privacy when she needed it. Shakuntala had personal things, that she wasn't ready to deal with, in her things, and she didn't want some stranger messing with them. She sighed loudly, and got up, sitting down at her desk, taking out her drawing pad, and art things, tapping her pencil on the desk as she thought about what she wanted to draw. So far, nothing at the school had really jumped out at her, and it didn't appear that anything would so far. Maybe when she met some more....likeable students. Maybe she could ask to change rooms or something. She started humming to herself, something she did when she thought, or when her mind had wondered.