[quote=EldritchOne] considering joining, in theory. Personally I would have thought that being in the Human world would be more interesting than dumped in some fantasy woodland, but its your RP. [/quote] I made it a different world because there was another RP (Shapeshifting Event) that dealt with that exact idea. That these "Others" (what I call Shifters) took refuge in South America, in a small civilization (inside a magical bubble) that they had built for themselves. I also did it like this because it gives me a world of possibilities (literally). And it also gives you some more freedom. In RP's like these where your characters are powerful, and possesses several magical abilities, you often see those powers as just being there and never being used. In this world/setting, you can wander into the woods, meet a Chimera and kick its ass if you want to. In the "Real World" you wouldn't be able to do that since there aren't really any animals powerful enough to be a threat towards you. [quote=data549] If there are any pre-industrial civilizations beyond the woodlands, I can guarantee the Shifters are going to war with them. [/quote] It's likely. But you can't be certain that they did, nor that there are any other Shifters. I suggest getting past the shock of suddenly waking up in an unknown place before you go on a search for other civilizations ^^