As with GreenGrenade, I've never went on an official camping retreat type of deal, but I have camped and backpacked for several days out in lakes and mountains. But I mean, it shouldn't be hard to simulate this specific scenario, right? To make it simple, just think of an isolated area within the middle of a dense forest that are inhabited by campers and staffs. There would be cabins enough for the campers, a mess hall, probably a separate building/section for the staff to stay, area and recreational buildings for exercise/sports/activities, and ect. If terrain [i]does[/i] add depth to the decisions made by our characters, then perhaps we should have some sort of body of water close by? A giant lake (which could add other recreational activities such as canoeing, swimming, fishing, ect) or a maybe a river (could be an obstacle that cuts off the camp from civilization. Could make it interesting for the killer).